Once you complete this step, all formal communications from the University will be sent to your UL email address: StudentNumber@studentmail.ul.ie. Please ensure you monitor this email account and action communications as required.

What you will need to complete this task:

  • Your Student ID number and password
  • A mobile phone
Please note:

If you studied in UL in the last year:

  • You may still have an active student computer account. In this case, you are not required to complete ‘Task 1: Activate Your UL Student Account’.
  • If you have any issues with your existing account, please visit the Password Management page to resolve your issue.

If you applied directly to UL for your course:

  • You now need to create a separate new password to activate your student account.
  • You will use this new password going forward as it is linked to your student account and ID number.

For help with this task please contact the ITD Service Desk

Activate your account using the following steps:


Visit the Activation Guide for detailed step-by-step instructions on how to complete this task. You will need a mobile phone to complete this step.


Go to https://portal.office.com

On the Sign-In screen, enter:

  • Your student email address (this will be your Student ID Number @studentmail.ul.ie – e.g. 20123456@studentmail.ul.ie).
  • Your password as provided in the email you received from UL. 
  • Your password is your Date of Birth, in this format DayMonthYear (Day = 2 digit number, Month = first 3 letters of the month, capital used for first letter, Year = 4 digits) Example 21Jul2001 or 18Feb2003, no spaces.

Follow the on-screen instructions to:

  • Download the Microsoft Authenticator App.
  • Add your UL student account

Finally, change your password from what was initially provided to a secure new password.

  • Please take note of your new password as you will need it to complete the rest of your enrolment and to access computer resources on campus.
  • You now have access to your UL Student Account including email and MS Teams.