14 Oct 2019

University of Limerick report calls for measures to prevent overuse of technology

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14 Oct 2019

UL Journalism graduate scoops top Press Council Award

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11 Oct 2019

UL students contribute 30,000 voluntary hours to more than 80 charities and organisations

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02 Oct 2019

Minister Humphreys visits UL to launch €4.2m national research collaboration on driverless vehicles

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02 Oct 2019

UL-hosted Confirm launches Smart 4.0 fellowship programme

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26 Sep 2019

UL plays central role in first all-island Children’s Sport Participation and Physical Activity study

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24 Sep 2019

Huge new €7m sports facility at University of Limerick to ‘leave a legacy’ for future students

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23 Sep 2019

UL President calls for vaping ban on all University campuses

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18 Sep 2019

UL President hails impact made by Cervical Check campaigner Vicky Phelan

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18 Sep 2019

UL-hosted Confirm to break ground on bespoke new €3.1m Park Point headquarters

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18 Sep 2019

New University of Limerick-led PhD in Foundations of Data Science launched

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16 Sep 2019

UL and IRFU release second year of findings from IRIS research project

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