14 Jun 2019

UL and SkyNRG sign deal during Dutch Royal visit to explore development of sustainable aviation fuel in Ireland

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11 Jun 2019

Tree planting ceremony marks 30th anniversary of University of Limerick enactment

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11 Jun 2019

UL graduate wins Kathleen Lonsdale Prize for best chemistry PhD thesis in Ireland

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10 Jun 2019

University of Limerick students take to the airwaves with RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta

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07 Jun 2019

University of Limerick ‘goes Atlantic blue’ to mark World Oceans Day

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31 May 2019

Call It Out: Campaign against homophobia, biphobia and transphobia welcomed to UL

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28 May 2019

WATCH: Experiment designed by Irish teenagers to be tested in microgravity

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UL signs contracts to purchase Dunnes Stores site and enable development of city campus
24 May 2019

UL signs contracts to purchase Dunnes Stores site and enable development of city campus

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24 May 2019

University of Limerick students showcase future of design at the FabLab

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21 May 2019

Numeracy Across Curriculum initiative launched at UL-based National Centre for STEM Education

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20 May 2019

UL welcomes award winning essay writing students to Regional Writing centre

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20 May 2019

WATCH: UL research shows Irish public underestimate homophobia, biphobia and transphobia

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