UL Global Buddy Programme

The University of Limerick International Buddy Programme is an initiative which matches incoming international students from all over the world with a student volunteer from UL based on similar interests. We look for volunteers who have a genuine interest in getting to know and help new students from all over the world!

Becoming a UL Buddy

  • A chance to practise your language skills 
  • Make international connections for the future
  • Learn about new cultures while making new friends
  • Help students from your own academic background 
  • Develop your communication skills 
  • A great addition to your CV
  • Earn volunteer hours towards the President’s Volunteer Award which is displayed on your transcript - The President’s Volunteer Award was established to harness, acknowledge and support the contribution that the students at the University make to their communities. Participation in the Buddy Programme can be used as volunteer hours towards a Gold, Silver or Bronze Award. Find out more from the Handbook on this page. 
  • Be a friendly and welcoming face to 3 or 4 new buddies. 

  • Commit 12 – 20 hours a semester to your Buddies and the programme. 

  • Make contact via email with your international Buddies a few weeks in advance of the new term – check your emails during semester breaks for your buddies’ contact information.  

  • Answer queries, provide information on the University and the locality on an on-going basis, as you would with your friends. 

  • Initiate a meeting with your international Buddies upon their arrival in Limerick. 

  • Take part in the Buddy events organised by UL Global. 

  • Collect tickets on behalf of your Buddies for events.  

  • The programme runs for the semester only, though you and your student buddies may wish to extend this period. 

  • The time you invest will vary. While your buddies will need the most support in the early weeks of the semester, you are signing up to be a volunteer for the entirety of the semester. Please check in with your buddies even if they seem to have settled in, especially around midterm and exam time. 

  • We ask for a semester long commitment, however your role as a UL volunteer is not meant to take any considerable time away from your own studies, student job, etc. Your role is to provide insider tips about UL. Anything more complex can be referred back to the UL Global office, located in EO-020 in the Main Building or email the buddy programme coordinator at buddyprogramme@ul.ie 

  • The Buddy Programme begins a few weeks before the semester starts so that your buddies can ask you for packing advice.  

To become a UL Buddy Volunteer you must: 

  • Be a fully registered student for the entirety of the semester (Master students who are submitting their thesis in September are unfortunately not eligible to take part as a volunteer during the Autumn semesters. Students on co-operative placement or Erasmus/Exchange semesters are also not eligible to volunteer).  

  • Have spent at least one semester on campus.  

Each semester, UL Global organises a number of events for you and your buddies to attend. By signing up for the Buddy Programme, you have been added to our mailing list and will be notified of all events we have planned. You are not obliged to attend all of these events but you are required to notify your buddy of them, as the responsibility is on you to collect their tickets for such events, even if you do not plan to go. The full list of events will be emailed to the volunteer at the beginning of each semester.


There is little that I didn't gain from the Buddy Programme. Not only did I get the opportunity to meet an abundance of new people from all around the world, but I also got to reconnect with Limerick and learn more about it and enjoy its heritage. I would advise absolutely anyone who has to opportunity, to join the Buddy Programme. It benefited me so much in my final year of college.

Alex, Buddy Volunteer studying Bachelor of Arts

The International Buddy Programme 2021 at UL was an opportunity where I believed I could contribute something to the college. As part of the programme, I was given three buddies who were from three different countries. The programme also gave an opportunity to learn more about the campus, various programmes and events offered by UL and the city of Limerick. This came in handy in guiding them and giving some suggestions on some queries.  We got along well and also did some activities together, the highlight being the visit to King John’s Castle. Overall, it was an enriching experience for me and my buddies. It is a wonderful opportunity provided by UL to freshers to break the ice and help them settle in.  

Joe Joseph, MA International Studies 2022