4 photos of Lucy on campus with title card
Thursday, 29 August 2024

At the University of Limerick (UL), we pride ourselves on fostering a community of exceptional individuals who not only excel academically but also contribute to the vibrancy and diversity of our campus. Among these outstanding individuals is Lucy Edith Kiiza, our exemplary UL Global Student Ambassador. Lucy's journey at UL is a testament to her brilliance, enthusiasm, and boundless energy. 

From the moment Lucy set foot on our campus, her presence was remarkable. Winning the Top Global Student Ambassador Award in her very first semester with us and a special recognition in her second semester, Lucy immediately stood out as a beacon of excellence. Her academic prowess, combined with her infectious enthusiasm and unyielding drive, made her an ideal representative of UL’s values and spirit. 

Lucy’s contributions to our university extend far beyond her role as an ambassador. Her involvement in numerous projects has significantly enriched the UL community. She played a pivotal role in our Women’s Day video, which highlighted the achievements and aspirations of women at UL and inspired countless others with her empowering messages. Her energy and passion were equally evident in the UL Community video, where she helped showcase the diverse and inclusive environment that defines our university. Moreover, Lucy's dedication to supporting her peers is exemplified in the postgraduate version of our First Steps video.

Through UL Global mentorship she also volunteered with Education in Ireland as an ambassador and received a certificate of recognition for the outstanding participation in the Education in Ireland's student ambassador programme through content creation and sharing experience on her education journey in Ireland. 

On top of her incredible contributions as an ambassador for UL Global, she volunteered with other organizations in UL like the Postgraduate Student’s Union as the publicity chairperson for the union. Working with events, content creation and management, and creating awareness for the PSU services for postgraduate students. She received a certificate of appreciation from PSU for her dedication and role during the preparations for the 2024 UL PSU Postgrad month. Here at UL Global we joke that Lucy manages to be in multiple places at once as she also volunteered for EDI UL as a consent ambassador, with the Community Engagement office as a community warden. 

In recognition of her unwavering commitment and outstanding leadership qualities, Lucy has since been elected as the President of the Postgraduate Students' Union. In this role, she will continue to advocate for her fellow students, ensuring their voices are heard and their needs are met. Her presidency is marked by a proactive approach to addressing the concerns of postgraduate students and enhancing their overall experience at UL. 

Lucy Edith Kiiza embodies the essence needed to be a star UL Global Student Ambassador. Her academic excellence, coupled with her active participation in university projects and leadership roles, sets a shining example for all students. She has become a pillar of our community, inspiring others with her dedication, enthusiasm, and relentless pursuit of excellence. On October 23rd of this year Lucy is due to be presented with a Gold Award by the Presidents Volunteer Award for her incredible volunteering work.

As we celebrate Lucy’s achievements, we are reminded of the incredible impact an individual can have on a community. Her journey at UL is a powerful narrative of passion, leadership, and unwavering commitment to making a difference. We are immensely proud to have Lucy Edith Kiiza as part of our UL family and look forward to witnessing her continued success and contributions in the future.