Hear from Seidu Mumuni, who completed his BSc and MSc in Nursing Studies at UL, and is now pursuing his PhD here too:
“My name is Seidu Mumuni. I am a registered nurse from Ghana, and I started my wonderful journey in 2019 when I commenced my BSc Nursing Studies Programme, which I successfully completed in Sep 2020. After such a wonderful year on my BSc Nursing Studies Programme, where I learned so much and felt so greatly supported by the Department of Nursing and Midwifery and wider University faculty and staff, I commenced my MSc Nursing Studies Programme in September 2020. I successfully completed my MSc Nursing studies in September 2021 and during this time I developed a real passion for nursing research and successfully registered to do a PhD in the Department of Nursing and Midwifery. I am currently in year 3 of my PhD under the expert supervision of Dr Owen Doody and Dr Claire O’ Donnell. On reflection, I am proud of my achievements, but it is important to recognise the immense support I have received to allow me to get to where I am on my journey. I have really enjoyed studying at the Department of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Limerick and I am privileged to have the opportunity to pursue my long-time ambition of completing a PhD.
My recent publication can be found here (Mumuni, S.; O’Donnell, C.; Doody, O. The Risk Factors and Screening Uptake for Prostate Cancer: A Scoping Review. Healthcare 2023, 11, 2780. https://doi.org/10.3390/ healthcare11202780).
I have also attended and presented my recent work at two international conferences. Lastly, I had the opportunity to visit University of Cape Coast (UCC), Ghana (my home country) on an Erasmus Credit Mobility exchange to share my knowledge and experience with the students back home. My journey to date is testimony to the wonderful learning experience I have received to date, and I have no hesitation in recommending the Department of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Limerick to all my internationally trained nurse peers.
You can do it!!!”