UniHaven visitors and UL Global staff at Thomond Stadium
Wednesday, 15 May 2024

The University of Limerick (UL) welcomed esteemed partners from UniHaven for an immersive tour of the campus yesterday, showcasing the vibrant beauty and cutting-edge facilities that define UL. The day was a perfect blend of adventure, culture, and sporting excellence, leaving a lasting impression on our guests.

The visit included a cultural highlight; a captivating demonstration of Riverdance by a student from the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance accompanied with a flute performance by Niall Keegan. The performance, rich with traditional Irish music and dance, offered a glimpse into the vibrant cultural heritage that UL proudly nurtures. The UniHaven partners were mesmerised by the grace and energy of the performance, which emphasised the university’s role as a beacon of Irish culture and the arts.

The visitors also got to enjoy a demo of our flight simulator by UL student Riley Morschhauser and UL’s state-of-the-art climbing wall. The visitors were thrilled to watch skilled climbers tackle the Olympic routes, demonstrating the university’s commitment to fostering physical fitness and adventure sports among its students. The indoor climbing wall is a popular facility, providing a safe and exciting environment for both novice and experienced climbers.

Guests were also taken on a tour of UL’s extensive sports facilities. The University of Limerick is renowned for its exceptional sports infrastructure, which includes an Olympic-sized swimming pool, multiple gyms, and vast outdoor fields. Our visitors were particularly impressed by the variety and quality of the facilities available, highlighting UL’s dedication to promoting a healthy and active lifestyle.

The day culminated with a tour of the iconic Thomond Park Stadium, home to Munster Rugby. The stadium tour provided an insightful look into the history and significance of rugby in the region, further emphasising UL’s deep-rooted connections with local and national sports. Our guests were able to explore the hallowed grounds, from the players' tunnel to the stands, experiencing the electric atmosphere that makes Thomond Park a legendary sporting venue.

The visit concluded with a delightful dinner at the stadium, offering a perfect end to an enriching day. The dinner provided an opportunity for our guests to reflect on their experiences, discuss potential collaborations, and enjoy the warm hospitality of UL.

The University of Limerick was honoured to host the UniHaven partners, showcasing our commitment to excellence in education, sports, and culture. This visit not only strengthened our partnership but also highlighted the vibrant, multifaceted environment that makes UL a unique and inspiring place to study and collaborate.

Enjoy the below video our team made for the UL Global TikTok: