YERUN, founded in 2016, brings together 22 like-minded universities, with the primary objective of raising the voice of young research led universities in Europe. This is achieved through dedicated strategic representation and lobbying action, and maximising opportunities to collaborate in areas of mutual interest and benefit. UL joined the network in 2020 and is privileged to be included in this cluster of universities. Being part of the network means that UL is successfully engaged in joint lobbying initiatives in Europe, fostering knowledge exchange and spearheading collaborative projects.
UL has actively engaged in several initiatives with YERUN during 23-2024. A dedicated UL steering group, chaired by the YERUN Coordinator in UL Global, meets bi-monthly. The group members sit on various YERUN working groups. They share updates on important themes, including Open Science, Lifelong Learning, European Universities Alliances, European Mobility, Sustainable Development, Research Careers, Rankings and collaborative efforts among the network’s Research Offices.
In March 2024, two UL researchers were awarded at the YERUN European Open Science Awards. Professor Aedín Culhane, Professor of Cancer Genomics and Dr Maria Doyle, Bioconductor Community Manager, who are both based at UL’s School of Medicine, won an Open Science Award for their work on the Bioconductor project. These awards highlight individuals or teams within the network that have demonstrated a commitment to advancing Open Science principles, practices, and collaborations.
The YERUN General Assembly brings together the 22 members and take place twice per academic year at a member university. The assembly took place at NOVA University in Lisbon in October 2023 and at Paris Dauphine University-PSL in March 2024. Representing UL were Prof Nigel Healey, Vice President Global and Community Engagement along with Caitriona Conway, Interim Director, UL Global, the Institutional Coordinator for YERUN. The assembly brings together the rectors, presidents and institutional coordinators and covers a range of topics, including updates on YERUN's work in Brussels, discussions on the new collaborative YERUN research platform, planning for the network's 10th anniversary in 2025 and the formation of the next YERUN Strategy 2026-2030.
The YERUN Annual Report 2023 was launched earlier this year, and features details of the YERUN event linked to the EULAB project, an Erasmus+ project led by the University of Limerick, bringing together blended mobility, innovative pedagogies and the green transition.
If you wish to get involved in YERUN please contact the Institutional Coordinator, based in UL Global ulg-admin@ul.ie, view the website Yerun - Young European Research Universities Network, stay connected on social medias and sign up for their newsletter.