Students who are eligible for the Erasmus programme, may opt for a non-EU rather than an EU Exchange. Normally, the non-EU Exchange takes place in the Autumn semester of Year 3 (semester 5). Business Studies students are encouraged to go on exchange in Year 2 in order to accommodate specialisation in Year 3.

Application Procedure

  • Attend an information session. These are organised by the Academic Coordinators for the specific degree programmes. Application forms and lists of partner universities are issued to students at these meetings and are available at the UL Global Office  (E0-020).
  • Research the institutions that are linked to the specific degree programmes.
  • Students are advised to make an appointment to see the Academic Coordinator for their degree programme to ensure that they are familiar with the academic requirements of their programme. For example, programmes that do not have an integrated or compulsory academic exchange normally require 30 ECTS or a pass in five modules studied abroad. The grades for these modules are transferred to the student's UL academic profile and the grades will affect the student's QCA.
  • Complete the UL non-EU exchange application form and have it signed by the Academic Coordinator
  • Next, the nomination as a non-EU exchange student will be sent to the host university by the non-EU Exchange Administrator. The host university will then inform the student of the procedures for applying for the non-EU exchange, applying for a visa if required, and reserving accommodation at the host university.
  • Students should make a provisional selection of modules – particularly for North American universities as classes fill up quickly before the semester starts. Modules should be approved by the UL Academic Coordinator or the Course Director of the student's degree programme. In case certain classes are not available or there is a clash in the timetable, students should confirm their provisionally selected modules on arrival and at registration at the host university.

Application Deadline

Students should apply for academic exchanges a year in advance – application forms for the autumn semester should be received by the non-EU Exchange Administrator in UL Global by the end of October. Applications for spring semester exchanges should be received by the end of September.

Examinations at the Host University

The transcript of results is the document that certifies study and academic results for the purposes of academic progression at UL. This is issued by the host university once the student has fulfilled the examination and assessment requirements. It is, therefore, essential for students to sit all of their examinations. Students should make sure that they do not book return flights until they are sure of the date and time of their examinations and when they will be completed. This information will be supplied in the information pack sent to the student's home address by the host institution on receipt of the student's application form. The student will also be able to determine when examinations are scheduled by emailing the host coordinator.