To apply for a study placement abroad, students must submit an application form to the UL Global Office.
Before choosing a destination, students should thoroughly research the institutions with which UL has exchange agreements in the subject area of their degree programme. Students may select universities from the partner list for their degree programme only.
Arts students should select a partner university from one of their majors, e.g. a student studying Psychology and English may select a destination from the Psychology list or from the English list. Arts students should be aware that it is not always possible to combine both majors at the host university, therefore they may have to prioritise one subject during their exchange placement.
Information sources
Information on partner universities can be found from the following sources:
- Read the fact sheet and student reports on the UL Mobility Gateway
- Find information on the partner university’s website (look for sections with key words such as International / Erasmus / Exchange/ Incoming students)
- Find information on the host city
- Consult the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) website
- Call in to the UL Global Office in the Main Building.
Some factors to consider
Students should consider the following factors when selecting a destination:
Courses on offer
To be discussed with Academic Coordinator
Academic calendar/Semester dates
Autumn: Semester dates can range from mid August to February. In Australia and Japan terms can run from July-November. In European universities, exams are held in January/February
Spring: Semester dates can range from January to July.
Cost of living
Check university’s fact sheet
Type “cost of living” in search box on host institution’s website
Student accommodation
University accommodation is generally not “on campus”.
European University accommodation tends to be of lower standard (and less expensive) than private accommodation.
Finding accommodation in capital cities, large cities such as Lyon, Southampton, Mannheim, and Dutch cities can prove very difficult.
Location and ease of access
Check the location on a map. Check flights, trains, etc.