
Students in the first or final year of their degree programme may not take part in the ERASMUS+ programme.

The Erasmus/Exchange academic placement may only be undertaken if the student meets the minimum academic requirements to progress to the next year. The required standard is a minimum cumulative QCA of 2.00 or greater, with no deficient grades (F, I, NG, N).

Students who are due to start an Erasmus/Exchange mobility period in the Autumn semester and are to sit examinations at UL in August are advised not to travel until examination results are published. Students who do not meet the academic requirements to progress to the following year may not undertake the Erasmus placement.

For elective placements (e.g. Business studies, Irish Music and Dance, Architecture), students are advised to consult the UL Erasmus Academic Coordinator as specific selection criteria, such as a minimum QCA requirement, may apply.

Academic Requirements

The study placement abroad is fully recognised as an academic component of UL degree programmes.

Students are required to

  • register for 30 ECTS credits at the host university
  • complete the full semester at the host university
  • take all scheduled exams at the host university
  • obtain a Pass grade in every module
  • submit an Erasmus narrative report