Postgraduate Research (PGR) Forms:
The Postgraduate Research (PGR) forms available below are used to underpin the administrative processes for research students.
Please Note: Some of the forms below (Nomination of Examiners' PGR-1, Research Confirmation Panel PGR-3a, Examiners' Report Masters Degree PGR-5, Examiners' Report PhD PGR-6) facilitate electronic signatures. Where possible these forms should be opened in Internet Explorer, downloaded and saved to your desktop/laptop.
- Where users are using a browser based PDF reader, it may not be fully compatible with the aforementioned forms,
- Where users are using an out of date version of Adobe Reader, it may not be fully compatible with the aforementioned forms
Where users of internet browsers (Chrome or FireFox) are having difficulty with the Nomination of Examiners' PGR-1, Research Confirmation Panel PGR-3a, Examiners' Report Master's Degree PGR-5, Examiners' Report PhD PGR-6 the first recommendation is to ensure that they are opening the form in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC and that Adobe Acrobat Reader DC is up to date. Please use this link to update your Adobe Acrobat Reader: https://get.adobe.com/reader/
Details on using Electronic Digital Signatures on the Postgraduate Research (PGR) forms:
Adobe Reader PDFs Digital Signature Guidance Notes
Postgraduate Research (PGR) Forms
Nomination of Examiners' for Master's by Research & Doctoral Level Programmes (PGR-1)
Master's Qualifer-MQ5000 (PGR-2)
Research Confirmation Panel (PGR-3a)
Research Confirmation Panel Report Form (PGR-3a.1)
Research Progression Appeal Panel (PGR-3b)
Research Progression Appeal Panel Report (PGR-3b.1)
Submission of Thesis for a Higher Degree by Research (PGR-4)
Postgraduate Research Thesis Embargo Declaration Form (PGR-4a)
Postgraduate Research Thesis Embargo Renewal Form (PGR-4b)
Examiners' Report- Masters Degree by Research (PGR-5)
Examiners' Report- Doctor of Philosophy Degree (PGR-6)
Alteration to Postgraduate Research Degree Supervisor (PGR-7)
Extension to the Duration of a Postgraduate Research Degree (PGR-8)
Postgraduate Research Progression Form (PGR-9)
Leave of Absence Application Form (Please submit this form to Academic Registry via Student Hub Online )
Leave of Absence Recommencement Form (Please submit this form to Academic Registry via Student Hub Online )
Structured PhD Module Registration Form
Termination of Enrolment Form (PGR students can access this form via their student account).
Contact: doctoralcollege@ul.ie