Our cutting-edge materials research institute unites experts from diverse fields, driving interdisciplinary collaboration in materials science. From pioneering breakthroughs in healthcare & Biomedical solutions, transforming the energy landscape to pioneering environmental solutions, we lead the way.

Explore limitless possibilities with the Bernal Institute


Your Gateway to Materials Research Excellence in: ​​


Cluster Research Groups

 In the areas of Health, Energy and the Environment. 

The Bernal Institute is host to Enterprise Ireland funded Technology Centres

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Two men and a woman in a lab standing in front of a glove box talking
09 Jul 2024

Bernal launch new facility "AMPEiRE" to revolutionize battery production

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Dr Valeria Nico, a researcher based at UL
04 Jul 2024

Powering IoT with good vibrations

Dr Valeria Nico discusses the importance of energy harvesting technologies for scientific advancement and a more sustainable planet.
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A researcher wearing glasses operating with machinery in a lab
25 Mar 2024

Bernal led researchers lead project aimed at revolutionizing how patients are diagnosed and treated

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