New ways of meeting – ITD has been planning for hybrid meetings and how it can work for your part of the University.
What is the project about?
UL Executive following a recommendation from Space Management Committee, provided funding to fit out a specified meeting rooms across the campus to enable hybrid working, while ITD are lead the way with implementing this.
In a hybrid working model, the use of physical meeting rooms needs to be integrated with Microsoft Teams online meetings when some attendees are in the physical meeting room on campus and other attendees are working from home. It is therefore necessary to install equipment in meeting rooms to enable them function in a Teams (or other online meeting platform) meeting.
The equipment required will vary in each meeting room depending on existing equipment and room size, but at a minimum a video camera, microphone, speakers and display screen will be available.
What does it mean for you?
61 meeting rooms have been completed and meeting room owners have received 1-1 training and can provide you with room support. Further help can be found on Topdesk via (search for Hybrid Meeting Rooms).
Our top tip is to allow a few minutes before your meeting starts to check all is ready to go and your online participants are all set up.
61 meeting rooms have been upgraded across multiple buildings across the campus and the project is now closed.