What is the project about?
The Corporate Secretary's Office received legal advice from Arthur Cox Solicitors, with regard to persons who have left employment at the University of Limerick retaining access to their email and other business systems after their departure date.
In addition to the legal concerns, there are governance issues and significant additional risks which have been identified by the PWC Internal Control Recommendations Internal Audit Review (IA 2020-02 Starters & Leavers). The primary aim of the project is to address the legal advice and audit findings.
The scope of the project covers UL Direct employees, External Contractors, Affiliates, Tenants, Guests and Research & Professional Doctorate Postgraduate students.
What does it mean for you?
UL Direct Staff: The provision of new IT User Accounts, updates, and removal of access to existing accounts has been automated and aligned with individuals start dates and end dates on Core HR.
Postgraduate Research and Professional Doctorate students: These students are provided with an enhanced student IT User Account which has a second email address LastName.Firstname@ul.ie. The account remains active for 365 days after the student’s Award Date, as recorded in SI.
Partners (External Contractors, Affiliates, Tenants & Guests): A new on-line system to manage Partner Records (PAMS) has recently been deployed. This process makes it easier for users to manage partner records and aligns access to IT User Accounts with the start and end dates on the Partner system.
The project is almost complete. The new processes have been fully implemented. Process support is being transitioned to the relevant operations teams.