As a part of the University’s digital transformation, colleagues in OVPR, ITD and Finance developed the Research Proposal Authorisation System (RPAS) which provides a digital solution to support the research pre-award funding process at UL.
2024 update
Additional functionality was incorporated to further streamline the performance of the RPAS system for users and system administrators.
2023 update
This update integrated workflow messaging and email communications to add clarity for Principal Investigators and Co-Applicants to navigate the system successfully.
The Research Proposal Authorisation System (RPAS) Enhancements project is part of the Research Enablement programme of work under the UL Enable IT Strategy.

What does RPAS mean for the UL community?
RPAS allows submission, collaboration, progress tracking, review, management and approval of the pre-award research funding applications. The implementation of the RPAS system replaced the previous paper process - Proposal Authorisation Form (PAF).
2024 update
This follow-on RPAS project continues to ensure the accuracy of the data within RPAS. This includes the availability of the grant awarded status at relevant stages, additional mandatory field to PI details screen, amendment of sort order for Gallery view and amendment of wordings in specific sections of RPAS, namely, the Proposal Declaration section and DPO Declaration section.
2023 update
This follow-on RPAS project displays additional messaging regarding the workflows occurring within the system as the PI moves through the application as well as additional email notifications when workflows have completed. Training information has also been included in email notifications as well as reference to updated policies.
Project outcomes
- Improved User Experience: Enhancing how users interact with the service.
- Enhanced Communication: Providing additional messaging to guide users through the system.
- Simplified Interface: Streamlining the view of items to make the system easier to use.
- Better Reporting: Facilitating more accurate reporting processes
Project Update
These enhancements projects are now closed.