This project will enable students to provide feedback on each module they study which will support the strategic level priority within the Learning & Teaching Assessment Strategy.
Led by the Quality Support Unit, in collaboration with ITD, this project supports the University strategic requirement articulated in the teaching learning and assessment strategy, Action for Wisdom, Pillar 2, Transforming Teaching. Aim 2 of this pillar speaks specifically to the requirement for effective student feedback. Enhancement of student feedback mechanisms is also a recommendation from the CINNTE review in 2020 and StELA project.
Robust student feedback systems and processes are also required to support the professionalisation of teaching and the use of learning analytics. The ITD Project Management team has provided guidance through the DGSC process, along with assistance with vendor evaluation.
Currently the Quality Support unit are working closely with the ITD Educational Technology team in planning the implementation and pilot of the Student Feedback System into the Brightspace platform.
The project benefits include:
- Replacement of module feedback system previously provided within SULIS
- Enhanced data collection to allow data to be used for multiple purposes
- Student evaluation system that supports multiple delivery patterns and programme types
- One-stop-shop for students through a familiar Brightspace experience, where they can access all the learning materials and content for their modules and also complete feedback on these.
- One-stop-shop for teaching staff to review the feedback on their modules from within Brightspace.
- Integrated feedback system on a centralised system without the requirement for additional data feeds from the student records system.
- The ability to integrate with the PowerBI data warehouse to facilitate institutional level reporting.
What does it mean for the UL community?
The Student Feedback System will enable detailed real-time reporting at module level to the individual teacher/lecturer, subject to minimum response thresholds. It will also enable aggregate reporting (e.g. by programme, department, faculty, institutional) at centralised levels.
The system will integrate with the existing VLE environment allowing students to access a feedback mechanism from their Brightspace homepage, enabling students to provide feedback on each module that they study each semester.
It will also facilitate the closure of the feedback loop where teaching staff can provide feedback directly to students on how they have incorporated students feedback into their module or teaching.
Project update
Contracts have been signed with vendor Evasys and implementation planning has begun. The ITD Educational Technology team will be working closely with the Quality Support Unit with the aim on piloting the project towards the end of Semester 1 2024/5.