Project Name - University of Limerick Campus Wi-Fi Project
What’s the project about?
As part of the DIGITALEVOLUTION@UL IT program of work, ITD have carried out a number of major strategic investments in the University IT infrastructure and systems. The Campus Wi-Fi project was part of this investment and provides enhanced wireless coverage for all buildings and select outdoor spaces throughout the campus.
All students and staff access the new wireless network via eduroam. Eduroam is a secure international roaming infrastructure used by affiliated educational facilities to allow their staff and students to visit other participating institutions and continue to have wireless connectivity.
This project has greatly enhanced the teaching and learning experience for the 15,000 students on the campus and provides significant benefits for the staff and guest population who require access to our wireless network.
What does it mean for you?
Students and staff are now experiencing enhanced wireless coverage throughout the campus including additional outdoor areas. The installation work was completed in early 2021, the quality of the wireless signal has been significantly improved and can now support video, voice and data requirements.
All users are now accessing the wireless network via eduroam. The legacy ‘ulwireless’ and ‘ULsecure’ networks have recently been retired. Visitors to the university campus can access the wireless network through the new authentication-based Guest solution, which has recently been deployed.
The overall project is fully complete.