Monday, 22 July 2024

On 29 April 2024, the LDCRC and the Health Research Institute (HRI) held an event with the aim to improve the understanding of the fundamental biology of cancer and to use this new knowledge to find better ways to prevent, diagnose and treat the disease. The event was also used an opportunity to discuss key themes of the Research Centre such as Tumour Microenvironments and Genitourinary Disease.

The event was facilitated by Dr James Brown (Lecturer in Cell Biology, Department of Biological Science, UL) and Professor Ruth Clifford (Professor of Haematology/Oncology, School of Medicine and Consultant Haematologist, UHL and clinical lead of the LDCRC). 

The session was introduced by Professor Clifford and Professor Aedin Culhane (Full Professor of Biomedical Sciences and Cancer Genomics, School of Medicine and Director of the LDCRC)

There were a number of updates heard on cancer research from various members of the LDCRC such as, Dr Eoghan Cunnane, Dr Jason Bennett, Dr Kieran McGourty and Dr Sinead O’Keeffe, (Faculty of Science & Engineering, UL), Dr Amira Mahdi (Assistant Professor of Biomedical Sciences, School of Medicine), Mr Michael Lynch (PhD Student, School of Medicine) and Dr Ciara Leahy (PhD Student, School of Medicine), Ms Christina Fleming (Colorectal Surgery Consultant, UHL) and Dr Máire Lavelle (Lead Breast Histopathologist, UHL).

It was an engaging event with several topics discussed in the panel sessions. The next LDCRC event is scheduled on 8 October 2024 and please contact for further details.