Institutions, organisations and Universities are all about their people and their stories. With that in mind, it gives me great pleasure to present the 2020 Spring issue of UL Links which is filled with stories from our community, both on and off campus. 

Stories from the areas of research, innovation, arts, our students and alumni, are just some of the sections covered in this refreshed edition of UL Links. 

While every story is filled with merit, some notable inclusions in this latest edition include interviews with our vice presidents. 

Professor Norelee Kenendy, who started in January as the new VP for Research, speaks on the future focus of research at UL, while Professor Kerstin Mey, VPAASE, talks to UL Links on transforming education through teaching and learning. 

We have a detailed announcement on our new partnership with the Algerian Government for the delivery of an International PhD that will allow their universities to migrate from teaching through the medium of French, to teaching through the medium of English. 

Professor Michael Zaworotko talks about “the secret sauce” in the crystals that will save the world. Our student stories focus on some of the best at UL, including Ciara Neville and her bid for athletics success at the Tokyo Olympics later this year, while KBS student and social entrepreneur Jack O’Connor talks about his seed planter invention and attending the UN General Assembly as an Irish representative. 

With an alumni of more than 105,000, success stories are both wide-ranging and plentiful. CEO of Junior Achievement Ireland Helen Raftery talks to us on her engagements to inspire and motivate young people, while UL alumnus and COO CPO of Elvie, Jonathan O’Toole, introduces us to the world’s first silent breast pump, his company’s product that made the top 100 inventions of 2019 on the cover of Time Magazine. 
Perfect for every magazine read is a coffee and Dr Kevin Moroney reveals his research into the maths behind making the perfect cup.

Amongst the many features published in this edition is an interview with singer songwriter Emma Langford, as well as a four-page special focusing on our international students and in particular a feature with Zohra Coday, an Irish World Academy MA student whose love of Irish music spans continents.  

There are so many inspiring stores in the Spring 2020 edition of UL Links and many more will be available online. So I invite you to browse through the amazing array of UL people and share the stories of those who are having such positive impacts on society, locally, nationally and internationally. 

Dr Desmond Fitzgerald
President, UL

Meantime, you can also watch some great stories from our January 2020 graduations.