"Be the change you want to see in the world" - Mahatma Gandhi

Imagine a world where humanity chose to ‘step up’, where complex problems become merely exciting challenges that drive education. University of Limerick has joined with four other EU universities, to do just that. Actively creating an opportunity for learners to explore their purpose, what it is that makes them tick, understand their own and their collective potential. All of this, while working on the challenges associated with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the world’s collective plan; to end poverty, to reduce inequalities and tackle climate change.

That is according to Andrea Deverell, Futures and Foresight Lead at University of Limerick who explains that “UL’s ‘Futures Lab’ will enable learners to develop the skills, mindset and knowledge required to begin to explore some of the complex problems that currently face humanity, while focusing on their local communities.

“The Futures Lab will equip learners with the life skills that allow them to face change and disruption with confidence and resilience,” she explains.

“The abilities to imagine and shape alternative futures, designed to have a positive impact on our planet, society, and the economy.

“The EU part of this initiative is aptly called EULab. Fundamentally, EULab will work with its partners to pilot the futures lab at scale, and to build viable options for student mobility across the EU. It will test and develop innovative new learning approaches that will support self-guided learning
with the active support of learning coaches and access to a tools, techniques, and a methods bank that will grow over time. Learning will take place in a studio environment, initially online, but with the hope for a physical studio space, as soon that’s a possibility.

“The EULab program team are ambitious and would love to see this as a fundamental offering to all learners at the University of Limerick and across the European Union. Heralding a new era in active mission-led education that is place-based and lead by the learner,” Andrea adds.

EULab is being funded as part of a 24 month Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project, led by Dr Annmarie Ryan (Kemmy Business School) with Andrea Deverell, lead of Futures and Foresight at UL. The partners include Oulu University (Finland), Audencia Business School (France) and Universidad de Leon (Spain).

Getting in Touch: www.ul.ie/sustainability and email eulab@ul.ie