Lauren Beadleston (Graduated)
Course: Structured Ph.D.
Role: PhD Student
Email: lauren.beadleston@ul.ie
Profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lauren_Beadleston
Qualifications: Bachelors of Science, 2nd Degree Honours
Project title: Building on Creative Blocks: Barriers to Creativity Engagement in Education
Project Supervisors: Dr. Aisling O’Donnell, Prof. Orla Muldoon, Prof. Sarah Moore
Funding Source: Faculty of Education Health Science
Beadleston, L. N., O’Donnell, A. T., McMahon, J., McMahon, G., Kinsella, E. L., Kearns, M., Jay, S., & Muldoon, O. T. (2019). Working hard and playing hard: multiple group membership, exercise and cognitive performance in boys and girls. Social Psychology of Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11218-019-09483-9
Beadleston, L. N. (2019, August). Social categorization and engagement with cultural activities and events. Presented at the British Psychological Society Social Psychology Section Conference, York, United Kingdom.
Beadleston, L. N. (2018, November; 2019, March; 2019, October). Invited Speaker. Doing a PhD. Presented at the Introduction to Postgraduate Research Module, University of Limerick.
Beadleston, L. (2015, March). Creative Connections: A Cluster Analysis of Creative Types. Presented at the AICUR Conference of Undergraduate Research, University of Limerick.
EASP Student member (2020-current)
Additional work:
Psychology Writing tutor in the Regional Writing Centre (UL)
Academic Bursary Award, 2013
Academic Bursary Award, 2014
Faculty of Education and Health Sciences Future Ready PhD Funding, February 2017- current
Postgraduate International Fee Waiver, University of Limerick, September 2017- current
Faculty of Education and Health Sciences Postgraduate Conference Funding Bursary, May 2018
Faculty of Education and Health Sciences Postgraduate Conference Funding Bursary, Dec 2019