Robert MacRory-Crowley (Graduated)
Robert MacRory-Crowley is a PhD student at the University of Limerick. He began studying Psychology, alongside History, in the National University of Ireland, Galway, (NUIG; 2010 – 13) before moving to Limerick to complete an MA in Psychology (2013-14). There, he completed a master’s thesis with Dr. Eric R. Igou as his supervisor. Afterwards, Robert decided to pursue a PhD with Dr. Eric R. Igou as his primary supervisor, Dr Wijnand van Tilburg as his secondary, and Dr. Deirdre O’ Shea as his tertiary. Since 2015, Rob has examined cues in persona perception, particularly the effects of physical, verbal and behavioural cues on perceived competence and warmth. Generally, Robert is interested in work on attribution, person perception, impression formation, and cognitive biases.