Siobhán Griffin (Graduated)
Course: Structured Ph.D.
Role: PhD Graduate
Email: siobhan.griffin@ul.ie
Qualifications: Bachelor of Education (1st Hons) in Education and Psychology (UL)
Proposed PhD Title: Individual differences in emotion regulation: Implications for cardiovascular reactivity to stress
PhD Supervisors: Dr Siobhán Howard & Dr. Ann-Marie Creaven
Siobhán Griffin is a PhD student at the University of Limerick. She completed the B.Ed in Education and Psychology in Mary Immaculate College (MIC; 2011-2015) and subsequently began a PhD by research under the supervision of Dr Siobhán Howard in MIC. In 2017, she transferred to the Psychology Department in UL to continue her studies.
Research Interests
Siobhán is particularly interested in how psychological factors, such as emotion regulation style, affect physical health. Her research focuses on individual differences in emotion regulation and how this may influence cardiovascular reactivity to stress.
Awards and Honours
- 2018: Awarded a CREATE workshop grant to participate in the 20th CREATE workshop on career development and to present her research at the EHPS conference.
- 2017-2019: Granted a fee wavier from the Dept. of Psychology (UL) to support her PhD studies.
- 2017: Received funding through the MIC Conference Fund to travel to Seville to attend and present her research at the annual American Psychosomatic Society Conference.
- 2015-2017: Awarded an MIC Departmental Assistantship to support her PhD studies; this included a fee wavier and an annual stipend.
- 2015: President’s Scholarship Award, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick.
Conferences/Academic Presentations
Selected Conference Papers
Griffin, S. M., & Howard, S. (August, 2018). Does the nature of the stress task influence the relationship between reappraisal and cardiovascular reactivity? Paper presented at the 32nd Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Galway, Ireland.
Griffin, S. M., & Howard, S. (November, 2017). Type D personality as a pattern of emotion regulation? Paper presented as part of a symposium at the 47th Annual Psychological Society of Ireland Conference, Limerick, Ireland.
Griffin, S. M., & Howard, S. (November, 2017). Gender differences in the cardiovascular response profile of reappraisal. Poster presented at the 47th Annual Psychological Society of Ireland Conference, Limerick, Limerick.
Griffin, S. M., & Howard, S. (October, 2017). Gender differences in the physiological consequences of reappraisal. Poster presented at the 2017 Mid-Annual Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, Berkeley, CA, USA.
Griffin, S. M., & Howard, S. (May, 2017). Do difficulties in emotion regulation play a role in cardiovascular reactivity to stress? Paper presented at the 6th Annual Limerick Postgraduate Research Conference, Limerick.
Griffin, S. M., & Howard, S. (March, 2017). Individual differences in emotion regulation: Implications for cardiovascular reactivity to stress. Poster presented at the 75th Annual Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, Sevilla, Spain.
Griffin, S. M., & Howard, S. (March, 2017). Type D personality and cardiovascular disease: The role of emotion dysregulation. Paper presented at the 14th Annual Psychology, Health and Medicine Conference, Dublin, Ireland.
Griffin, S. M., & Howard, S. (November, 2015). The psychophysiological effects of ostracism: Does social support influence such effects? Paper presented at the 1st Annual Conference of the Psychological Society of Ireland Student Affairs Group, Galway, Ireland.
Griffin, S. M., & O’Callaghan, J. (June, 2015). Adjusting to retirement: A time to panic or a time to flourish? Poster presented at the Irish Association of Teachers in Special Education 27th Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland.
Griffin, S. M., & Howard, S. (April, 2015). The psychophysiological effects of ostracism: Does social support influence such effects? Paper presented at the 3rd Annual MIC Psychology Undergraduate Research Colloquium, Limerick, Ireland.
Griffin, S. M., & O’Callaghan, J. (March, 2015). Adjusting to retirement: A time to panic or a time to flourish? Poster presented at the Lifelong Learning Festival, Limerick, Ireland.
Radio Interviews
Mulcahy, P., & Griffin, S. M. (2016, November 17). Sleep Study Interview [Wired FM]. In O. Markarian (Presenter), The Community Show, Limerick: 99.9 FM.
Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI)
European Health Psychology Society (EHPS)
Health Research Institute (HRI)
Centre for Social Issues (CSI-R)