PhD Researcher
Course: Structured Ph.D.
Role: PhD Student
Email: Yuning.Sun@ul.ie
BA in Psychology, National College of Ireland (1.1 First Class Honours)
MSc in Psychological Science (1.1 First Class Honours)
Project Title:
A Cross-Cultural Examination of Characteristics and Functions of Heroes
Project Supervisors:
Dr. Elaine L. Kinsella, Dr. Eric R. Igou
Project Description:
Heroes serve a key role in everyday life and during societal crises. Recent research has examined the lay perceptions of heroes and typical functions of heroes. These studies were mainly conducted among Western participants and there is, therefore, a need for more cross-cultural studies on heroism. This project investigates if the lay perceptions of heroes differ across cultures and examines how individuals react to the functions of heroes across cultures. Examining characteristics and functions of heroes across cultures will offer insights into processes by which heroes influence people in different cultures and will improve understanding of the positive impact of heroes in different cultures.
Tutor and Teaching Assistant, Psychology Department, University of Limerick
- Undergraduate Modules: Empirical Psychology I (PS4043),
- Postgraduate Modules: Advanced Analysis I (PS6051)
- International Association for Cross Cultural Psychology
- Asian Association of Social Psychology