PhD Researcher
Name: Aoife Bowman Grangel
Email: Aoife.Bowman.Grangel@ul.ie
Course: Structured Ph.D.
Role: PhD Candidate
Qualifications: BSc Psychology, University of Limerick (First Class Honours)
In 2021, I graduated from the Bachelor of Science in Psychology at the University of Limerick with a First Class Honours degree. I'm currently enrolled in the third year of the sPh.D. in the University of Limerick, under the supervision of Prof. Stephen Gallagher, Dr. Jennifer McMahon, and Dr. Nikki Dunne. My research interests include the impact of chronic stress on physical and mental health. Specifically, my PhD project, which is funded by the Irish Research Council, examines the mental and physical health of young carers, with a specific focus on the role of psychosocial factors (e.g., social support, coping skills, the caregiving context) in the youth caregiving-health relationship. My project incorporates a mixed-methods approach to understanding the links between caregiving and health in young people. My research looks at a range of health outcomes, such as depression and cardiovascular health indicators, using longitudinal and cross-sectional methods