The last PhD Writers' Week took place in January 2024.

The next Writer's Week will take place 12-16 August 2024


PhD Writer's Week August 2024 Registration Form 

What is the PhD Writer's Week?

The PhD Writers’ Week is an ‘in-house’, non-residential retreat, which takes place in the Writers’ Space in the Regional Writing Centre (C1-065 in Main Building). 

Similar to the writers’ retreats run by CTL, the Writers’ Week aims to help PhD candidates advance their writing.

The PhD Writers’ Week provides a structured approach to writing, helping participants stay ‘on track’.

In addition, writing as a member of a group, where distractions such as e-mail and social media are minimised, serves as an additional incentive and creates a productive work atmosphere.

Who's it for?

Writers’ Week is aimed at PhD candidates who have a specific writing project which they need to complete. In order to be successful, Writers’ Week requires participants to have clearly defined writing goals which can be broken down into smaller daily milestones.

These goals can be the completion of the draft of a chapter (like the literature review, or methods chapter), a conference paper or a journal article.


  • Priority will be given to those who have not already completed a PhD Writers’ Week, but we welcome applications from anyone completing a PhD.
  • Places are limited to seven participants in total.
  • Only PhD candidates who are enrolled at University of Limerick or Mary Immaculate College are eligible to register.
  • Applicants are required to submit the Registration form via email to
  • Applicants must provide a short endorsement e-mail from their supervisor – this can be included alongside the Registration Form.
  • A €50 deposit is required to complete registration once an applicant has been advised that they have been offered a place. If you attend all days from 9am-2pm, you will get this deposit back.
  • It is mandatory to attend one half-hour peer tutor session during PhD Writers Week. This will be organised for you.

Please note: participants can only register for the PhD Writers’ Week if they commit to attend from 9am to 2pm of all five days. Attendance will be recorded.