We hold several workshops throughout the year addressing various forms of academic writing. Both discipline-specific and more generic workshops are offered on essay, report and FYP writing. These workshops are advertised on our social media accounts and through email and are a great way to pick up tips on the writing style of your discipline.
- A Word about Word: Formatting and Proofing Basics
- Developing and Organising Argument
- From Proposal to Submission: Progression of Your Masters' Dissertation
- Introducing Quotes, Paraphrases, and Summaries of Others' Work
- Putting the Ease Back into Essay Writing 1
- Putting the Ease Back into Essay Writing 2
- Reader-Based Writing: Writing with an Audience in Mind
- Reporting the Work of Others in Academic Papers: Why Bother?
- Sentence Structure, Grammar, and Mechanics
- The Mechanics of Citing and Referencing
- UL40 Talk: Sarah Moore - 'Why people hate writing'
- Understanding the Assignment: Planning and Organising your Writing assignments
- Writer-Based Writing: Making a Case
- Writing for Learning and Academic Assessment: Revising and Editing your Assignments
- An Introduction to How the RWC Frames the Conversation on Writing
- How to Get an A on your Paper
- Integrity and Responsibility in Academic Writing
- Structuring the PhD Thesis, Masters Dissertation, and Writing the Literature Review
- Writing a Research Proposal for and FYP, Master's Dissertation or PhD Thesis
- Writing in Academic Contexts
- Writing Reflectively for Academic Assessment
- Writing Your Literature Review
- How to use Creative Techniques in Academic Writing
- Kick Off Your Summer Writing
- Strategies for Generating and Organising Text
- Strategies for Overcoming Obstacles
- Welcome Message
Discipline specific workshops
BSc Paramedic Studies - Introduction to Academic Writing
BSc Paramedic Studies - Writing for Research
Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing and Midwifery - Writing at Postgraduate Level
MSc Clinical Therapies - Writing for Publication
School of Allied Health- Writing for Academic Assessment and Publication
ME4001 Lecture Slides
ME4001 Tutorials
Colour Codes for ME4001 Feedback
- Rhetorical Functions in Introductions to Engineering Reports
- Paragraph/Information Organisation
- Information Density
- Sentence Structure
Trevor Young's FYP Presentation for Engineering Students