The Presidents Research Excellence and Impact Research Output Award is awarded at faculty level. This award celebrates and acknowledges the excellent research that has been carried out in UL. Research outputs include research that is published, disseminated, or made publicly available in the form of accessible research outputs. 

Candidates should submit one single Research Output for consideration for this award

A Research Output can include (but not limited to) publications, prototypes, datasets, software, books, book chapters, journal articles, conference contributions, artefacts, devices, products, patents, exhibitions, performances, compositions, designs, research reports for external bodies, websites, digital or visual media, research data sets, translations, structures or buildings, and new materials.

There are four categories per faculty: 

Research Output Starting applicants have between 2-7 year's experience post PhD as of the closing date for applications 

Research Output Consolidator applicants have between 7-12 year's experience post PhD as of the closing date for applications 

Research Output Advanced applicants have greater than 12 year's experience post PhD as of the closing date for applications) 

Research Output Interdisciplinary applicants must be interdisciplinary  

Prize: (One award per category) President’s Research Excellence and Impact medal and €1,000 research funding 

Application Form: Research Output Award Application Form 

Deadline for submissionsCall open 27 May 2024, deadline for applications for all categories: 5pm, Friday, 30 August 2024

More Information: For further information please contact the Research Impact Officer,

Additional application details below

2024 Research Output Award Winners

Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Consolidator Award: Associate Professor Lydia Bracken, School of Law

Consolidator Award: Professor Laura Cahillane, School of Law

Advanced Award: Professor David Fleming, School of History and Geography 

Interdisciplinary Award: Associate Professor John Lombard, School of Law; Professor Owen Doody, Department of Nursing and Midwifery; Dr Hope Davidson, Postdoctoral Researcher, School of Law

Education and Health Sciences

Starting Award: Dr Jenna Lorusso, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences 

Advanced Award: Professor Ailish Hannigan, School of Medicine

Kemmy Business School

Starting Award: Associate Professor Catriona Burke, Department of Management and Marketing 

Consolidator Award: Assistant Professor Ciaran Casey, Department of Economics 

Advanced Award: Professor Deirdre O’Shea, Department of Work and Employment Studies 

Interdisciplinary Award: Associate Professor Darren Shannon, Department of Accounting and Finance

Science and Engineering

Advanced Award: Professor Ken Byrne, Department of Biological Sciences

2023 Research Output Award Winners

Research Output Awards as adjudicated by Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences panel. 

  1. Consolidator Award: Conor Caldwell, Associate Professor, Irish World Academy of Music & Dance 
  2. Interdisciplinary Award:  joint awards to Sindy Joyce, Lecturer in Traveller Studies, Department of Sociology, Jennifer Schweppe, Professor of Law, Amanda Haynes, Professor of Sociology. 

Research Output Awards as adjudicated by Faculty of Education and Health Sciences  

  1. Starting Award Daragh Bradshaw, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Centre for Social Issues Research 
  2. Consolidator Award Siobhán Howard, Department of Psychology Assistant Dean Academic Affairs, Faculty of Education & Health Sciences, HRI and Centre for Social Issues Research 
  3. Advanced Award Mathew Herring, Associate Professor, Department of Physical Education & Sports Sciences & Physical Activity for Health Research Centre, Health Research Institute 

Research Output Award as adjudicated by Kemmy Business School 

  1.  Interdisciplinary – Darragh Flannery, Associate Professor in Economics, Department of Economics, Kemmy Business School. 

Research Output Awards as adjudicated by the Faculty of Science & Engineering 

  1.  Starting – Shayon Bhattacharya, Assistant Professor in Physical Science, Department of Physics, SSPC & Bernal 
  2. Consolidator – Subir Halder, Associate Professor, Department of Electronic & Computer Engineering 
  3. Advanced – Daniel Granato, Professor, Department of Biological Sciences & Bernal Institute 
  4. Interdisciplinary – Elfed Lewis, Professor of Electronic & Computer Engineering 

Application and award process 

  1. Applications are made by email to using the appropriate form. 

  1. The applicant must be a current University of Limerick employee at the time of the award. 

  1. In the case of Research Output Awards, previous applications (excluding winners of that category) may be re-submitted for the awards in subsequent years, subject to their meeting the relevant eligibility criteria. 

  1. Applications for Research Output Award must be accompanied by a fully accessible copy of the research output being proposed as part of the assessment process   

  1. Applicants are advised to stay within the word-count limit set on the forms. Submitted forms which exceed word-count limits will be disregarded. 


The President’s Research Excellence and Impact Research Output awards will be adjudicated by a panel chaired by the Assistant Deans Research of each faculty. 


Evidence of a sustained body of excellent research outputs within a discipline or beyond.


Clearly articulated and evidence-based impact(s) of the research outputs. The reach and significance of the impact should be well articulated and evidenced. Research impact can be defined as “the demonstrable contribution that excellent research makes to society and the economy”.1 This definition refers to ‘excellent research’; in other words, research that is recognised internationally for its originality, significance and/or rigour. For early career researchers the focus can also be on ‘potential impact’ and ‘pathways to impact’ as appropriate. 

1 UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), website