Doctoral College, University of Limerick
Project Leader
Dr Ger Downes
    What we're Doing

    DocTalent4EU is a Horizon Europe-funded inter-institutional collaborative project between seven universities (5 EU, 2 non-EU) and the European University Foundation (EUF). The consortium is tasked with enhancing PhD employability through an innovative recognition system of the most in-demand transferable skills that PGRs acquire throughout their doctoral training and research.

    DocTalent4EU will improve transversal skills training and career development for PhD candidates by: 

    • Boosting skills intelligence and identifying the most demanded transferable skills

    • Developing an interdisciplinary curriculum on selected transferable skills

    • Implementing a digital credential system to facilitate and boost recognition of skills earned during the PhD, both formally and informally

    • Creating local talent management centres to support training and career development of PhD candidates


    Why are we doing it

    As increasing numbers of PhD graduates pursue careers outside academia, it is imperative that doctoral programmes within universities equip postgraduate researchers (PGRs) with the right skills to find employment commensurate with their expertise within and beyond academia.

    The impact of the Doc Talent4EU project will be multi-varied. For example, project partners are developing a prototype based on machine learning to update and predict the most in-demand skills on the labour market for PGRs. The impact of this prototype could be transformative for universities in helping them align skills offerings with the most up-to-date transferable skills demanded by employers.

    Other impacts of DocTalent4EU will be visible by the extent to which it enhances transversal skills intelligence among PGRs by developing a digital credential system to acknowledge the acquisition of such skills, and by creating local Talent Management Centres (TMCs) to assist candidates plan their professional and career development during their doctoral studies.


    Who we're working with

    Doc Talent4EU is a collaborative project between seven universities (5 EU, 2 non-EU) and the European University Foundation (EUF), a network of 74 member universities in 29 different countries. To read more abou our consortium partners, please go to their respective webpages: 

    University of Porto

    Université Côte d'Azur

    Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi

    UiT The Arctic University of Norway

    University of Alcalá 

    Western Norway University of Applied Sciences

    European University Foundation


    How well are we doing

    The Doc Talent4EU project consists of a number of work packages aimed at enhancing PhD employability. These work packages include: 

    • Work Package 1: Skills definition 

    Outputs from Work Package 1 will include a Report on current and future transversal skills needs and a machine-learning based system to monitor skill needs of employers. 

    • Work Package 2: Training courses on transversal skills 

    Outputs from Work Package 2 will include an Open database on existing courses on transversal skillsMaterials for the implementation of DocTalent4EU courses, a Handbook on how to implement the DocTalent4EU courses, and a suite of new courses including, Team Working and Networking, Personal Effectiveness and Leadership, and Enhancing Communication and Negotiation Skills for PhD Candidates

    • Work Package 3: DocTalent4EU Credentials

    Outputs from Work Package 3 will include include a Manual on how to issue DocTalent4EU credentials, Guidelines and good practices for the use of digital credentials to recognise transversal skills at PhD level, and the issuing of digital credentials to PhD candidates on completion of the training courses on Transversal Skills in Work Package 2. 

    • Work Package 4: Career development

    Outputs from Work Package 4 will include a Framework for the local talent management centres, a Catalogue of talent management services, and Lessons learned and good practices for setting up HEI local talent management centres.