Expression of Interest in Professional Development Module for PhDs
The UL Careers Service will deliver a Professional Development Module, designed specifically for research postgraduates, on Tuesday 14th and Wednesday 15th January next in UL. This module offers PhD candidates the opportunity to gain 3ECTS on a PASS/FAIL registration basis.
If you are interested, please complete the enclosed: PhD Professional Development Module Expression of Interest by Friday 22nd November.
If successful, applicants will then be invited to register for this module.
Full attendance on both 14th and 15th January in person in UL will be required along with some practical assignments after the face-to-face delivery.
Details of the module are included below.
For queries, please contact elaine.kiely@ul.ie
Module Overview
The Professional Development Module for Research Postgraduates has been designed to provide you with an awareness of, and training in, the skills required to successfully commence and develop your career after completing research study.
The module will explore career options for research postgraduates, utilising data from the UL Graduate Outcomes Survey as well as national and international data on career paths pursued by research graduates.
You will gain an understanding of employer expectations by examining the results of research into employers’ experiences of recruiting research graduates. By engaging in career self-assessment, you will be facilitated to identify and articulate your career motivations, values and strengths as well as examine how your personality preferences, professional and extracurricular interests can aid your career planning and be useful for multidimensional application and interview situations.
Cognisant of the importance of employability skills for careers both within and outside academia, the module will facilitate you to explore and articulate your technical and transferable skills in CVs, Application Forms and Interviews.
You will be supported in the completion of this module through two days of on-campus delivery which will include individual as well as group exercises as well as by completing practical activities that will support your personal and professional development.
It will be highly interactive and incorporate practical assessments that are directly related to planning and managing your own professional development.
Contact: doctoralcollege@ul.ie