
Ethnomusicologist, Global Irish musics specialist, and Popular Music scholar with research interests in ethnicity, identity, nationalism and cosmopolitanism in the traditional and popular musics of Ireland, UK, North America, and Australia; Music Festivals and Cultural Diversity; Music and Migration; Urban Soundscapes and Critical Citizenship; Protest music. PhD in Ethnomusicology, University of Chicago. (Fulbright Scholar and Century Fellow). PI on FestiVersities, HERA-funded research project on European Music Festivals (2019-2022). Co-Founder/Co-Director of Centre for the Study of Popular Music and Popular Culture @UL. LimerickSoundscapes; Power, Discourse and Society @UL. Member of the Ralahine Centre for Utopian Studies. Course Director, MA in Ethnomusicology

Research Interests

FestiVersities: New, 3-year, HERA-funded project with four other European partners exploring European Music Festivals, Public Spaces and Cultural Diversity

Global Irish Musics: Folk and Popular musics, past and present, of Ireland and its diaspora, along with the globalisation of Irish music forms and performers, with a focus on identity, including ethnicity, (white) nationalism, (anti)racism; explorations in the relationship between Irish music studies and Irish studies more broadly, examine multimodalities and materialities. Recent publication: Dillane (2019) 'Crossroads of Art and Design: Musically Curating and Mediating Irish Cultural Artifacts in Chicago', Éire/Ireland Special Edition, ‘Notes/Notaí on Music and Ireland' (54)1&2: 82-109.

LimerickSoundscapes An multidisciplinary, citizen-facilitated, collaborative, sonic and ethnographic-based mapping of the city in interactive, web-based form (Founder, Co-director and Applied Project leader). Forthcoming publication: Dillane & Langlois, 'Sonic Mapping and Critical Citizenship: Reflections on Limerick Soundscapes' in Transforming Ethnomusicology – Social Activism and Applied Research, ed. B. Diamond and S. El Castelo-Branco. Oxford: Oxford University Press (2019)

Popular Music and Popular Culture Research Cluster @ UL An interdisciplinary research group working on a variety of popular music and culture projects, including, most recently, the social and political efficacy of protest music. (Co-founder/director). Recent publication: Power, Devereux & Dillane (2018) Heart and Soul: Critical Essays on Joy Division. New York: Rowman and Littlefield International.
Associated book series:

Power, Discourse and Society Research Cluster @ULAn interdisciplinary research cluster in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Limerick. (Co-founder/director).
Recent publication:
Recent Publication Dillane, Power, Devereux and Haynes (2018) Songs of Social Protest: International Perspectives.New York: Rowman and Littlefield International.
Associated book series

Professional Activities


  • 2019 - HERA research grant
  • 2018 - Fulbright Alumnus Award
  • 2016 - O'Donnell Fellow in Irish Studies, Newman College, University of Melbourne
  • 2015 - HERA travel award
  • 2002 - Irish American Cultural Institute Scholarship
  • 1998 - Fulbright Scholarship
  • 1998 - Century Fellowship, University of Chicago


  • 2009 University of Chicago - Ph.D.
  • 2000 University of Limerick - Master of Arts
  • 1995 University College Cork - Bachelor of Music


  • 2007 University of Limerick - Lecturer
  • 2004 University College Cork - Music Lecturer
  • 2002 University of Limerick - Acting Course Director, MA in Ethnomusicology


  • 2004 member and former editorial board member, Society for Musicology in Ireland
  • Ordinary member and former co-chair of Celtic Music Special Interest Group (SIG), Society of Ethnomusicology (SEM)
  • Ordinary Member, International Council for Traditional Music
  • Founding member, current ordinary member and Depty Editor of associated journal, International Council for Traditional Music Ireland
  • Ordinary Member, American Conference for Irish Studies
  • Ordinary Member, International Association for the Study of Popular Music


  • French
  • Irish


  • Irish Music Performer


  • LimerickSoundscapes

Peer Reviewed Journals


'Urban Soundscapes : Special Edition

Dillane, A., Langlois, T., Power, M. P. & Ní Bhriain, O., (eds). (2015) 'Urban Soundscapes : Special Edition. Bristol : Intellect Journals Journal of Urban Cultural Studies :89-164


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Book Chapters


Opportunities for Resistance Through Discourse

Haynes, A., Devereux, E., Carr, J., Power, M. and Dillane, A. (2016) Opportunities for Resistance Through Discourse. London : Rowman and Littlefield International Public and Political Discourses of Migration: International Perspectives :225-232

Edited Books

Other Journals

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Conference Publications

Conference Contributions

Published Reports

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Book Reviews

Other Publications


Fieldwork from Ireland

Dillane, Aileen (2013) Fieldwork from Ireland. : International Council for Traditional Music Ireland Fieldwork from Ireland



Dillane, A, O'Toole, A (2001) Anish.