
Prof Maurice N. Collins is a Professor in Materials Science in the School of Engineering at the University of Limerick. He is Principal Investigator (PI) at the Bernal Institute, the Health Research Institute, FI at the SFI AMBER center based in Trinity College Dublin and Challenge lead in SFI Biorbic centre based at UCD. He led the H2020 funded LIBRE consortium (lignin for carbon fiber), the largest consortium in biobased carbon fibre research in Europe, and currently is WP lead on the following EU consortia (VIBES, BIOUPTAKE and CUBIC) as well as being PI on multiple national funded projects (Traceless, NXTGENWOOD, Valid). His expertise includes Regenerative medicine, hydrogels and biobased carbon fibre precursor materials as well as the development of 3D printable Polymers. Prof Collins has a strong track record in attracting industrially funded research projects including Mitsubishi Materials, Henkel, J&J, Pepsi etc. He has won in excess of €25 million in competitive funding with 11 years of continuous competitive EU funding (2016 - 2027). His industrial work has led to 2 licensing agreements and 9 patents filed. Coupled to this, he has authored >150 publications on Polymer Science related topics and his research has featured in various national and international media outlets. His research has been recognised through various awards including: Marie Curie Actions Award, Licencing Agreement Award, Best Journal Paper Award, Highlight Conference Paper Award, ISI highly cited award, Best oral presentations and UL Seed Funding. He is a reviewer for > 40 international Journals. He sits on the editorial board of Carbohydrate Polymers. He is proposal assessor for the Polish Academy of Science, Austrian science foundation, Israeli Ministry of Science, EPSRC, H2020, Horizon Europe, and European Research Council. He has chaired sessions at the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS), European Society for Biomaterials and World Biomaterials Congress. Maurice lectures polymer therapeutics to postgraduate students and Tissue Engineering to Undergraduates. He currently supervises 8 PhD candidates, 6 postdocs and is Course Director for the MSc in Biomedical Device Materials. He served as editor of the international journal of biological macromolecules pfrom 2019 to 2023. He was recently awarded the Bernal Institute senior researcher of the year award. His work to date has led to >7.5k citations with a h -index of 51. He is Fellow of the Royal Society of chemistry and Institute of materials, minerals and mining (IOM3).

Research Interests

Polymeric materials; Biomaterials; Lead free solder materials; Reliabilty physics.

Professional Activities


  • 2014 - Licensing Agreement
  • 2013 - UL Seed Funding
  • 2012 - IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology: Best Paper Award
  • 2010 - Licensing Agreement Award
  • 2009 - Highlight Paper Award EuroMAt 2009
  • 2005 - Marie Curie Actions Award


  • 2007 University of Limerick - Doctor of Philosophy
  • 2002 University of Limerick - Master of Science


  • Interviewed in Irish Times, Irish Examiner on the reliability of Orthopaedic Materials
  • Interviewed on Diamond Pod Cast on the significance of results obtained at the Diamond Synchrotron
  • Reviewer for > 15 ISI Journals including Carbohydrate Polymers, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Cellulose, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Med.; Tissue Engineering and Reg. Med.; Journal of Applied Polymer Science; ACS Journals.
  • Member of the Editoral Board of Carbohydrate Polymers Impact Factor 5.1


  • Spanish

Peer Reviewed Journals


Book Chapters

Edited Books

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Other Journals

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Conference Publications


ICSR, Toronto, Canada May 16 -18.

Maurice N. Collins, Gavin J. Jackson, Eric Dalton, Jeff Punch, Hector Steen, Puwei Liu, Matthew Holloway (2012) ICSR, Toronto, Canada May 16 -18..


ICSR, Toronto, Canada

Eric Dalton, Maurice N. Collins, Michael Reid, Jeff Punch (2012) May 16 -18. (2012) ICSR, Toronto, Canada .


EuroMat 2009

11. Lei Zhao, Maurice N. Collins and Colin Birkinshaw (2009) (2009) EuroMat 2009.


EuroMat 2009

Maurice N Collins, Michael Reid & Jeff Punch ( (2009) EuroMat 2009.


EuroMat 2009

Maurice N Collins and Colin Birkinshaw (2009) EuroMat 2009.



Michael Reid, Maurice N. Collins, Richard Coyle and Jeff Punch (2009) SMTAi.


SMTA International (SMTAI)

Mauro V. Aguanno; Maurice N. Collins; Cillian Burke; Michael Reid; Claire Ryan; Jeff Punch (2008) SMTA International (SMTAI).


SMTA International (SMTAI)

Maurice N. Collins; Mauro V. Aguanno; Michael Reid; Claire Ryan; Jeff Punch (2008) SMTA International (SMTAI).

Conference Contributions

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Published Reports

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This author has not written any publications of this type yet.

Book Reviews

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Other Publications

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