Are you a postdoctoral researcher thinking about your next career move?
The Marie Sklodowska-Curie (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowships may be just right for you. These fellowships fund excellent researchers looking to enhance their career development and prospects by working abroad. University of Limerick, one of Ireland’s leading universities, allows you to work in a first-class research environment and enjoy an attractive remuneration package with a typical fellowship budget of ~ €95,000 per annum. All areas of research are eligible
Types of Fellowships
- European Fellowships are open to researchers of any nationality who wish to engage in research projects in UL
- Global Fellowships are open to Irish and European nationals or long-term residents who wish to engage in research projects with organisations outside the EU Horizon and Associated Countries. Fellows complete an outgoing phase of maximum two years outside Europe followed by a mandatory one-year return phase back to UL. Funding will cover three years.
- An optional six-month paid placement in the non-academic sector following the fellowship may be selected.
Call for Proposals 2025
- The call opens on 9 April 2025 and will close on 10 September 2025, MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships.
Eligibility Criteria
- Applicants must be in possession of a PhD on 10 September 2025. Researchers who have already defended their doctoral thesis will be considered eligible.
- Applicants must have a maximum of eight years research experience from the date of their PhD award.
- For nationals or long-term residents of EU Member States or Horizon Europe Associated Countries currently abroad who wish to come back to pursue their research career in EU Member States or Horizon Europe Associated Countries, years of experience in research in third countries will not be considered in the above maximum.
- Researchers must have spent less than 12 months of the previous 36 in Ireland (for European Fellowships).
- Researchers must have spent less than 12 months of the previous 36 in the country where they will be based (for their Global Fellowships).
The MSCA grant will support salary, mobility (and family) allowance, research costs and overheads for the host institution. Individual researchers must submit proposals for funding with the involvement of their supervisor at UL. Proposals are judged on their research quality, the researcher's future career prospects, and the supports offered by the host organisation. All disciplines are eligible for funding.
Apply for a Marie Curie Masterclass
If you are interested in this opportunity, please select a UL supervisor to support your application and follow this link: Apply for a Marie Curie Masterclass
- Marie Curie Fellows’ publications are more-often cited than equivalent peers and are more frequently published on influential scientific journals.
- Fellows are more successful in applying for European Research Council (ERC)’s competitive grants for high-quality research.
- Fellows achieve professorship titles more frequently than others and are more likely to hold principal investigator position.
- The opportunity to work with our leading researchers, using the most advanced scientific approaches and facilities.
- University services and staff supporting international scholars.
- A wide range of skills training designed to meet the specific needs of researchers.
- Career coaching, mentoring and guidance.
- An attractive remuneration package.