
Professor Michael Morley holds the Chair in Management at the Kemmy Business School. He teaches management on undergraduate programmes and international and cross-cultural management on MSc and Executive MBA programmes. He also mentors a cohort of doctoral candidates pursuing programmes of research on expatriate management, psychological contracts, global careers and new forms of organising, several of whom are scholarship holders. Previously, he held various leadership roles including Head of the Department of Management & Marketing, Head of the Department of Personnel & Employment Relations, Assistant Dean of Research and Director of the Graduate Centre of Business. In addition, he has led several curriculum initiatives at the School including the establishment of the Master of Science in Work and Organisation Psychology and the Master of Science in International Management and Global Business and he served as Course Director for the latter programme. In conjunction with his collaborators, he has authored 15 books and edited an additional 16 which have been published by, among others, Oxford University Press, Routledge, Butterworth-Heinemann and Palgrave Macmillan. He has served as guest-editor on 23 journal special issues. His more than 130 published peer reviewed journal articles have appeared in outlets such as Journal of International Business Studies, Human Relations, Personnel Psychology, British Journal of Management, Journal of Business Research, Industrial & Labor Relations Review, Group & Organization Management, Human Resource Management Review, Journal of World Business, International Business Review, International Journal of Human Resource Management and the Journal of Managerial Psychology. He has received several best paper awards and been presented with the University's Research Excellence Award on three separate occasions (1999; 2006; 2010). In 2013, he was elected to Fellowship of the Irish Academy of Management for his contributions to the discipline and to the Academy.

He is Editor-in-Chief of European Management Review, the journal of the European Academy of Management. He had previously served as Associate Editor of the Journal of Managerial Psychology from 2007 to 2012 and Co-Editor of the Irish Journal of Management from 2001-2006. He is, or has been, a Member of the Editorial Board of 20 international journals including the Journal of International Business Studies, British Journal of Management, Business Research Quarterly, International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, the International Journal of Human Resource Management, Human Resource Management Review, International Studies of Management & Organization, Leadership & Organization Development Journal and the International Journal of Emerging Markets.

He was elected to serve as the 2007-2010 Chair of the Irish Academy of Management and the 2012-2013 President of the International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management.

Research Interests

International, Comparative and Cross Cultural Management; Expatriate Assignments, Global Mobility and Intercultural Competence; Person-Environment Fit, Psychological Contracts and Trust Dynamics.

Professional Activities


  • 2012 President 2012-2014, International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management (IFSAM)
  • 2007 Chair 2007-2010, Irish Academy of Management

Peer Reviewed Journals


Why Do Managers Engage In Trustworthy Behavior? A Multilevel Cross-Cultural Study In 18 Countries

Reiche, BS,Cardona, P,Lee, YT,Canela, MA,Akinnukawe, E,Briscoe, JP,Bullara, C,Caparas, MV,Caprar, DV,Charlemagne, D,Grenness, T,He, W,Jamro, K,Kainzbauer, A,Koester, K,Lazo, A,Moreno, A,Morley, MJ,Myloni, V,Nadeem, S,Nieto, MA,Svishchev, A,Taylor, SN,Wilkinson, H (2014) Why Do Managers Engage In Trustworthy Behavior? A Multilevel Cross-Cultural Study In 18 Countries. Personnel Psychology :61-98


Standardization and contextualization: A study of language and leadership across 17 countries

Zander, L,Mockaitis, AI,Harzing, AW,Baldueza, J,Barner-Rasmussen, W,Barzantny, C,Canabal, A,Davila, A,Espejo, A,Ferreira, RF,Giroud, A,Koester, K,Liang, YK,Morley, MJ,Myloni, B,Odusanya, JOT,O'Sullivan, SL,Palaniappan, AK,Prochno, P,Choudhury, SR,Saka-Helmhout, A,Siengthai, S,Soydas, AU,Viswat, L (2011) Standardization and contextualization: A study of language and leadership across 17 countries. Journal of World Business :296-304


Rating versus ranking: What is the best way to reduce response and language bias in cross-national research?

Harzing, AW; Baldueza, J; Barner-Rasmussen, W; Barzantny, C; Canabal, A; Davila, A; Espejo, A; Ferreira, R; Giroud, A; Koester, K; Liang, YK; Mockaitis, A; Morley, MJ; Myloni, B; Odusanya, JOT; O'Sullivan, SL; Palaniappan, AK; Prochno, P; Choudhury, SR; Saka-Helmhout, A; Siengthai, S; Viswat, L; Soydas, AU; Zander, L (2009) Rating versus ranking: What is the best way to reduce response and language bias in cross-national research?. International Business Review :417-432



Morley, M.J.;Linehan, M.;Scullion, H.; (2003) Introduction.


Part-time Work in Europe

Clifford, N; Morley, M; Gunnigle, P; Crowley, M (1997) Part-time Work in Europe. Employee Relations :555-568




Morley, M.J.;Gunnigle, P.;Collings, D.G.; (2006) Introduction. Global Industrial Relations



Brewster, C.;Mayrhofer, W.;Morley, M.; (2004) Preface. Human Resource Management in Europe: Evidence of Convergence?


Business Analysis: Volume I

Garavan, T; Fitzgerald, G; Morley, M (1993) Business Analysis: Volume I. London : Certified Accountants Educational Trust.


Business Analysis: Volume II

Garavan, T; Fitzgerald, G; Morley, M (1993) Business Analysis: Volume II. London : Certified Accountants Educational Trust

Book Chapters


HRD in multinationals: The global/local mix

Tregaskis O.;Heraty N.;Morley M. (2017) HRD in multinationals: The global/local mix. International Human Resource Management: From Cross-Cultural Management to Managing a Diverse Workforce :461-483



Morley, M.J. (2016) Repatriation. Cheltenham, UK. : Edward Elgar Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management :372-373


Training, Development and Organisational Learning'

Lavelle, J; McDonnell, A; Morley, MJ; Collings, DG (2009) Training, Development and Organisational Learning'. Dublin : Government Publications Office Human Resource Practices in Multinational Companies in Ireland : A Contemporary Analysis


HRD in Multinationals: The Global/Local Mix

Tregaskis, O; Heraty, N; Morley, M (2007) HRD in Multinationals: The Global/Local Mix. Aldershot : Ashgate Publishing International Human Resource Management: From Cross-Cultural Management to Managing a Diverse Workforce: The International Library of Essays in Business and Management :461-483


Workforce Diversity Policies

Ferner, A; Morley, M; Muller-Camen, M; Susaeta, L (2006) Workforce Diversity Policies. American Multinationals in Europe: Managing Employment Relations Across National Borders, Oxford: Oxford University Press :146-171



Morley, MJ; Gunnigle, P; Collings, DG (2006) Introduction. London & New York : Routledge. Global Industrial Relations :1-22


Cross-Cultural Training

Parkinson, E; Morley, M (2006) Cross-Cultural Training. Global Staffing, London: Routledge :117-138


Human Resource Management: A Universal Concept?

Gooderham, P; Morley, M; Mayrhofer, W; Brewster, C (2004) Human Resource Management: A Universal Concept?. Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann Human Resource Management in Europe: Evidence of Convergence :1-26


Convergence, Stasis, or Divergence?

Mayrhofer, W; Morley, M; Brewster, C; (2004) Convergence, Stasis, or Divergence?. Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann Human Resource Management in Europe: Evidence of Convergence :415-437


Management in Ireland

Gunnigle, P; Morley, M (2001) Management in Ireland. International Encyclopaedia of Business and Management :5614-5620


Ireland: A Two Tier Structure

Garavan, T; Gunnigle, P; Morley, M (1999) Ireland: A Two Tier Structure. Managing Academic Staff in Changing University Systems: International Trends and Comparisons :115-138


Management in the Irish Republic

Gunnigle, P; Morley, M (1999) Management in the Irish Republic. Regional Encyclopedia of Business and Management: Management in Europe :260-267


The Management of Rewards

Morley, M; McCarthy, A (1999) The Management of Rewards. The Irish Employee Recruitment & Management Handbook: Finding and Keeping a High Quality Workforce :375-435


Personnel Management in Ireland

Foley, K; Gunnigle, P; Morley, M (1998) Personnel Management in Ireland. Readings in Contemporary Employment Relations :375-393


Flexible Working Patterns

Clifford, N; Crowley, M; Morley, M; Gunnigle, P (1997) Flexible Working Patterns. Human Resource Management in Irish Organisations: Practice in Perspective :97-126


Employee Relations

Gunnigle, P; Clifford, N; Morley, M (1997) Employee Relations. Human Resource Management in Irish Organisations: Practice in Perspective :185-214


Compensation and Benefits

Morley, M; Gunnigle, P (1997) Compensation and Benefits. Human Resource Management in Irish Organisations: Practice in Perspective :157-184


Training and Development

Heraty, N; Morley, M (1997) Training and Development. Human Resource Management in Irish Organisations: Practice in Perspective :127-156


Management in Ireland

Gunnigle, P; Morley, M (1996) Management in Ireland. London : International Thomson Business Press International Encyclopaedia of Business and Management: Volume 3 :2907-2910

Edited Books

Other Journals

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Conference Publications

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Conference Contributions

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Published Reports

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Book Reviews

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Other Publications


The Work-Family Interface

Heraty, N; Morley, M; Cleveland, J. (2008) The Work-Family Interface. Journal of Managerial Psychology :209-346