Research Week poster showing a glass globe on the ground next to a budding plant

Sustainability Challenge 2025

Time: 9am to 11am
Location: ERB001

Join us for the UL Student Sustainability Challenge 2025—an inspiring showcase of innovative, student-led sustainability projects! The Centre for Sustainable Futures and Innovation (CSFI) in partnership with the Doctoral College and industry sponsors Bidvest Noonan and Kirby Group Engineering have launched this challenge which empowers UL students to develop impactful sustainability solutions aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Five shortlisted teams will present their final projects in what is a fantastic opportunity to see fresh ideas, interdisciplinary collaboration, and real-world solutions to pressing sustainability challenges. Come along to support the next generation of sustainability leaders and get inspired by the innovative solutions shaping our future! 

Research Week poster showing two dancers on stage

Performing arts practice in/as research: Exploring multiple approaches to performance, pedagogy, and practice in creative and applied research in the Performing Arts

Time: 11am to 1pm
Location: UL Globe

By showcasing various research projects where practice is at the centre, this session will highlight the powerful and efficacious impacts of practice-based, practice-led and practice-informed research within and beyond home disciplines and on the wider community.  The event will include short, live and pre-recorded performances, and a facilitated, round-table discussion, including questions from the audience. Researchers from other disciplines are especially welcome in order to see how practice research might inform your own work. Members of the public are also warmly welcome along with anyone interested in creative practices.

Research Week poster showing a microphone and a notebook being held

Understanding media coverage of the War in Palestine

Time: 11am to 12.15pm
Location: ERB001

This special event will focus on media narratives in relation to the war in Gaza. Dr Mike Berry (Cardiff University), co-author of Bad News From Israel (2004) and More Bad News From Israel (2011), will discuss the pioneering work of the Glasgow Media Group, which examined how bias in news coverage leaves audiences confused about the nature of the conflict and the motives of actors. This is followed by a short presentation by UL Journalism staff Dr Fergal Quinn and Dr Henry Silke on new research being carried out by them focusing on media coverage of the targeted killings of journalists in the warzone. 

Research Week poster showing hands manipulating wooden cogs on a table

Innovate at UL:  Unlocking university & external supports

Time: 11am to 12pm
Location: ERB007

Are you a researcher with an innovation that could change the world? Curious about turning your academic work into a business? Join us for 'Innovate at UL: Unlocking university and external supports', an insightful event designed to guide researchers on the path to commercialisation. Hosted by the Technology Transfer Office (TTO), this session will explore the supports available to help you bring your research to market. Learn about funding opportunities, mentorship and intellectual property supports. The event will culminate with the presentation of the UL Invention Awards for 2024.

Research Week poster showing two people looking at a model globe with two model wind turbines next to it

Translating Breakthroughs: Communicating your research to the world

Time: 11.30am to 12.30pm
Location: S2-025

Join Professor Donald Patrick McDonnell, a world-leading cancer researcher, for an enlightening session on how to communicate your research to the wider public. This talk will emphasise the critical role of clear communication in shaping public understanding, policy-making, and societal engagement with research. Professor McDonnell will address common challenges that face researchers, such as technical jargon and complexity, offering practical strategies to distil intricate concepts into compelling narratives. Storytelling techniques will be highlighted as a powerful tool to engage non-expert audiences and convey the significance of research findings. Through personal anecdotes and notable examples of successful science communication, Professor McDonnell will share insights on what makes effective communication work and how to overcome common obstacles. Attendees will gain valuable skills to communicate their own research into impactful stories, bridging the gap between academia and wider society. 

Research Week poster showing a man working out

Health Research Institute: PAfH (Physical Activity for Health) on the global stage

Time: 12.30pm to 1.30pm
Location: ERB001

Welcome to PAfH (Physical Activity for Health) on the global stage. Come join us for an exciting event focused on promoting physical activity for health. This event will bring together experts from around the world to discuss the importance of staying active and healthy. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from leading professionals in the field and network with like-minded individuals. Let's work together to make a positive impact on our health and well-being!

Research Week poster showing hands reaching towards a planetary representation

Let’s Talk GenAI for postgraduate and early career researchers

Time: 1pm to 2pm
Location: Online

Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) is poised to transform academic and research practices in Higher Education Institutions. The technology has the potential to, at the very least, support and introduce efficiencies into every aspect of the research process, but is likely going to radically transform what we understand research to mean. However, notwithstanding this potential, ethical considerations surrounding GenAI remain, including issues of data privacy, intellectual property rights, bias and reliability of outputs. These legitimate concerns necessitate research vigilance to ensure its responsible and appropriate use.

Research Week poster showing two entrants holding up their pictures

Picture This! exhibition, view the pictures and meet the finalists

Time: 1pm to 3pm 
Location: UL Globe

Picture This! is a competition for UL PGRs to communicate their research in picture format with a 60-word caption detailing how their photo represents their research. After an initial judging round, involving a public vote and an external judging panel the top ten entries that have qualified for the final of “Picture This!”  will be exhibited in The Globe (Millstream Courtyard). The finalists will be on hand to talk about how their picture and associated caption represent their research. The winners of Picture This! 2025 will be announced at the 3-Minute Thesis Final on Thursday 1 May after a second external judging panel has provided feedback to participants. A light lunch will be provided at this event. 

Research Week poster showing a group of people in medical coats reaching in to touch hands

Health Research Institute: Health research transforming public and patient involvement - The power of partnership in co-producing wisdom for action

Time: 2pm to 4pm 
Location: ERB001

It is essential that patients and the public have a voice about health research because they have expertise about their own health. If we do not hear that expertise, we are missing information to design services and policies that improve people’s health. Researchers in the Participatory Health Research Unit, School of Medicine, University of Limerick are internationally recognised for studying innovative ways to transform public and patient involvement in health research so that it is ethical, inclusive and impactful. Join us for this interactive and musical event to showcase recent publications and current research and to hear from patient, community and health sector partners.