Date: Friday, 1 December 2023
Time: 12pm - 1pm
Duration: 1 hour
Contact: Edmond Magner -
Location: Limerick

Friday, 1 December 2023 at 12h00
Venue MSG-024/025, Bernal Institute.



Atomic resolution imaging with UL’s Titan Themis transmission electron microscope (TEM), supported by image simulation as well as by atomic-scale spectroscopy carried out on this microscope, can reveal the precise sites and behaviour of single atoms and the collective electron motion around these, including their chemical nature & electronic structure. This talk will include demonstrations of imaging individual dopant atoms/defects/impurities in 2D nanomaterials as well as sub-Å shifts of atoms leading to electric dipole formation in ferroelectric materials. Furthermore, the Titan Themis has in-situ measurement capabilities, e.g., to carry out imaging under heating/cooling, biasing, and in liquid and gas environments. To demonstrate such in-situ experiments, TEM measurements under heating, revealing metal diffusion in Si nanowires controlled by defects, will also be presented.
TEM measurements enable far more detailed and realistic studies of the structural properties of materials, especially on the nanoscale, than measurements with other instrumentation. This depth of information helps to reveal fundamental materials’ properties, empowering applications of these materials in novel appliances, especially nanodevices, and the design thereof.


Ursel Bangert is Bernal Chair in Microscopy and Imaging at the University of Limerick, following positions as Reader and Lecturer at the University of Manchester, Research Fellow at Surrey University, and PhD student at the Universität Köln. Her initial research in Nuclear Physics/Chemistry was followed by research in Solid State Physics and Materials Science with more than 30 years in the area of electron microscopy. She is author/co-author of >260 publications including book chapters and review articles and has delivered >78 invited talks, including keynote and public presentations. She established an International Transmission Electron Microscopy Centre (TEMUL) for Ultra-High-Resolution Imaging and Spectroscopy including In-Situ Capacities in the Bernal Institute, UL. She was involved in the set-up of the NorthWest STEM facility at Liverpool, the University of Manchester TEM facilities, and the Daresbury SuperSTEM. Her achievement of TEM imaging and electron energy loss spectroscopy on the sub-atomic scale assisted the Manchester Geim Group to obtain the 2010 Nobel Prize for the graphene discovery. She is also involved in academic enterprise and knowledge transfer through industrial research, e.g., with Analog Devices, DeBeers, Gatan, FEI, Shell, Bruker, Graphene Industries, Thomas Swan, BP Solar, GEC Plessey, Philips Research Labs, IBM Zürich.
Tea/Coffee will be available at 11h45. All are welcome to attend.
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