Science and Engineering (S&E) Summer Research Scholarship Programme - Applications Now Open

Application form 2024

The 12th S&E Summer Research Scholarship Programme is designed with the sole purpose of supporting students to work over the summer months on a research project, or idea, that will lead to a strong future IRC PhD grant application ( The nominal duration of the scheme is 10 weeks over the summer months, and so students will earn €250 per week. Shorter durations are possible – typically 8 or 9 weeks, on a pro rata basis. Students need to have a QCA of 3.25 or higher in order to be eligible for the scheme.

Below, please find the application form that needs to be filled out by the student and a supervisor, and returned to Johanna Griffin ( by COB Friday 29th March 2024. Students will need to find an Academic to supervise them: all S&E Academics have been informed about the scheme.

Please keep within the recommended word limits to minimise administration on both sides. The Terms and Conditions of the scheme are listed below.

Terms & Conditions

·         A QCA of 3.25 or above.

·         Only one application per student/academic.

·         The scheme is open to all students who are in a position to apply for the 2025 or 2026 IRC Postgraduate  Scholarship Calls.

·         The value of the scheme is €2,500 per student, for a preferred duration of 10 weeks, so the student will be paid €250 per week. The student and supervisor can opt for a shorter duration – typically 8 or 9 weeks, on a pro rata basis.

·         Lab overhead and consumables etc. will not be covered by the scheme.   

·         The application form (below) must be completed and signed and returned to Johanna Griffin ( by COB Friday 29th March 2024.

·         Funding decisions will be at the discretion of the HoD/HoS in conjunction with the ADR, and ratified by the Faculty Management Committee, and will be issued in mid-April.


S&E Undergraduate Programme of Summer Training and Research Track (UPSTaRT) - Applications Now Open

Application Form 2024

This programme is offered to 1st Year Students in undergraduate programmes in the Faculty of Science and Engineering (S&E) with a QCA of over 3.2. It is designed for students interested in an opportunity for research training and to learn more about research in their area by working closely with a Faculty mentor(s) in a top class research setting during a 10 week paid summer programme in UL. 

This programme is coordinated by the S&E Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs, Dr Teresa Curtin and the S&E Faculty office. 

This is a research bursary open to UL (S&E) 1st year undergraduate students wishing to pursue a 10 week summer research programme.  10 scholarships are available (each with a bursary of €2,500). QCA must be 3.2 or above.

Potential mentors/supervisors are listed under S&E Academic Staff.  Just choose Staff Type (Academic) and the appropriate school/department and get in contact with them.  Otherwise you can contact the Dr Teresa Curtin, Assistant Dean, Academics Affairs, ( the Co-ordinator of this programme, for guidance or for further information.  

Evaluation of Applications

Just fill out the attached Application form with your potential mentor and submit to   Evaluations of submissions will be based on your current academic performances and the proposed project/mentoring programme.

Closing Date for Applications 12th April 2024.


There are a variety of Research Opportunities, at multiple entry points, to be found across the Faculty of Science & Engineering.

Many of these vacancies are listed on the University of Limerick's HR "Current vacancies" page.  Students who wish to pursue a postgraduate qualification should refer to the options and guidelines available from the UL Graduate School's website.

There are support mechanisms available.  Please refer to UL's Research Support Services for further information.

Useful Links

  • Postgraduate Ireland - Online resource for postgraduate options 
  • University Vacancies Ireland - Search for vacancies in Academic, Research, Management, Administrative, and Support Service employment in the Irish University and Higher Education Sector. Subscribe for new vacancy alerts in universities, research institutions and support divisions.
  • Irish Universities Association - The representative body for Ireland's seven universities. Through consultation and collaborative projects, we develop strategy and policy to advance third and fourth-level education and research. Our shared aim is to ensure that we maximise the universities' contribution to Ireland's social, cultural, and economic well-being.