
Dr Beatrice Smyth is a senior lecturer in the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Queen’s University Belfast, and is part of the Research Centre in Sustainable Energy. Her research is focused on environmental impacts, and specific areas of interest include life cycle analyses, optimisation of energy pathways, resource quantification and mapping, and economic assessment. Recent research projects include nutrient management of digestate combined with energy recovery, the use of short rotation coppice willow to reduce agricultural run-off and improve water quality, and the sustainable use of plastics in a circular economy. Prior to moving to Queen’s in 2013, Beatrice worked in both the public and private sectors, mainly in energy/carbon management and in geotechnical and environmental engineering.

SeaFEED Research

The life cycle analysis (LCA) and economic viability assessment will investigate the environmental impacts and financial implications of the system as a whole and of each individual stage, from seaweed cultivation and harvesting, to phlorotannin extraction and feed pellet processing, through to pig farming and meat production. Comparison with existing and alternative systems will be carried out to assess sustainability, while cost benefit analysis will highlight the implications of improving seaweed farming and subsequent extraction, drying and pelletising processes. The overarching aim of this work package is to provide evidence-based recommendations to the seaweed and animal-feed industries to support their development in an economically and environmentally sustainable manner.