50Voices/50Years is a year long project to capture the range of experience and insights in the UL community. Staff, students, alumni, researchers, industry partners - everyone has a unique take on what makes UL special. Each month, a new selection of voices will feature. Let us know what you think: fiftyyears@ul.ie


"My most memorable moment in UL is when we became a university..."
"It's been a wonderful experience ...my professors have done a wonderful job."

"We used to come down in the summer when we were off school to go swimming in front of Plassey House..."

"The students were pioneers, the staff were pioneers..."

"The University has inspired me to do more, and achieve more than I probably thought I could..."


"It still has that wonderful campus feel..."

"engineering is no longer a male dominated field..."

"And it was great to have a thousand people laughing as opposed to being in stress in that area..."

"That took us to the higher level of participation in the college’s competitions, we weren’t allowed to participate with other universities prior to ‘89 ..."


"you hear people saying do something you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life well I never worked a day in my life..."

"Attending UL for me as a Limerick person it’s one of the proudest things I have done..."

"I made great friends here. I had a great time. It was a tiny, tiny institution..."

"UL gave me a lot of self-confidence which was not only education, but the self-confidence gave me a lot which helped me where I am..."


"They say UL is a place of firsts and I hope that it won’t be the last..."

"it showcased this the kind of work the PhD students are doing here as really you know absolutely top drawer and world class..."

"And you know having the river dividing both sides of campus its beautiful..."

"And we were told that there would be a university here some day. And indeed there was..."


"That was a very proud moment for me..."

"And great credit must go to people that changed a habit of a lifetime to do things differently..."


"Seeing how those students have progressed with the education that they got here into the real world as well..."

"And I think she was definitely, she came before her time, she was very open minded, very pro women..."


"250 students walk out, chanting and making their voices heard..."

"I thought I died and gone to heaven, this is not like secondary school anymore, I’m an adult..."

"I’m proud always to have been the first woman in the Maths Department doing an undergraduate degree..."


"And Goliath may not have known him, but we had slayed him..."

"Needless to say it involved the occasional visit to various places where one might have a drink..."

"And so many doors opened for me..."

"The institution is willing to try new things..."


"I’ve been on campuses all over the world and nothing compares to UL..."

"So, I keep UL close to my heart..."

"We’ve the Irish, we’ve the Internationals, we’ve everyone..."

"To take in the beauty of the campus itself..."


"A place where every day's experience gives me opportunities to grow in different ways ..."

"It’s been a wonderful place for me to grow as a person as well as a professional..."

"I think we are very lucky to have a good sense of community on campus..."

"It’s very much about the people..."


"UL means a community, a family, education, everything..."

"I think UL is innovative, we’re always at the cutting edge..."

"The built environment within this campus is just superb and we’re very privileged..."

"Everyone that comes on campus, there's a place for them to go, to see, to visit, to be part of..."


"It’s extraordinary to work in a place like this..."

"It was one of those spontaneous, uplifting, outpourings of joy..."

"It’s really a very peaceful place..."

"Really it’s the people who make UL..."

"Maybe the one time in my career that I get to tell a Dean that I love them..."

"I remember that feeling of opening the envelope and getting the job..."

"UL is about growing in both education and learning and as a person..."

"I’m very, very lucky with the community that I have here..."

"A sea of opportunities to grow as a person..."

"To have the University of Limerick after so many years, it’s a source of personal pride..."