Task 2: Complete Finance Task

Important information about this task:

  • Completing this task does not require you to pay fees at this stage. This task will determine your fee liability.
  • If this task is not presented to you in the Student Portal, it means you are not required to complete it and you can move on to the next task presented.



What you will need to complete this task:

  • Your UL student number and password
  • Credit/Debit card (if paying fees at this point)
Please note:
  • Your username is your UL student number only for this task (not your full student email address as in step 1).
  • Please see Student Fees and Finance for further information. 


For help with this task please contact the Fees Office



Finance Task instructions:


Log into the Student Portal and click on Financial Task


  • Your ID/Username is your UL student number.
  • Your PIN/Password is the password you created in Task 1: Activate Your Student Account.


You need to confirm your fee details and are provided with an option to pay your fees. Even if you are not paying fees, this task needs to be completed.

  • Click on the 'Finance Task' and follow the instructions.
  • When you have confirmed your fee details, you will be directed to the online payment screen (if applicable). You can choose 'Pay Now' (online card payment) or to 'Complete and Pay Later'.
    • If you choose to ‘Pay Now’ you must complete payment at this stage and will not be able to navigate back to the previous screen.
    • If you choose to ‘Complete and Pay Later’ you can progress through the other main Tasks and pay your fees at a later time.
    • Please allow 24 hours for your financial statement to update following this task.
  • Once you have completed the Finance Task, return to the Home screen in the Student Portal to start the next task.



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Contact Academic Registry

Main Building, E0-001
University of Limerick

The information provided here is as a guide only, and may be updated from time to time. You are advised to consult official documentation, including the University of Limerick Academic Regulations, as the authoritative version

Data Protection: We will process your Personal Data in accordance with our Student Privacy Notice.