The transfer route into UL depends on the content overlap of your new and old course, and competition for places on the new course in the year you apply.
Transfers are accepted into most of our courses. Some do not allow transfers due to the structure of the course. Before submitting an application, you should discuss your options with the Head of the relevant School/Department of the course you wish to transfer to.
Application deadlines:
- The closing date for direct applications to UL is 01 July each academic year.
- Late applications may be considered at the discretion of the course director in consultation with the Academic Registry Admissions Team.
QQI HET Higher Certificate: Students who hold a QQI HET Higher Certificate (NFQ Level 6 Major Award) at credit/merit or distinction level in a compatible course will normally be considered for entry to year two of these four year courses.
QQI FET Advanced Certificate: Students who hold a QQI FET Advanced Certificate (NFQ Level 6 Major Award) at credit/merit or distinction level in a compatible course will normally be considered for entry to year two of these four year courses.
QQI HET Bachelor (Ordinary Degree): Students who hold a QQI HET Bachelor (Ordinary Degree) (NFQ Level 7 Major Award) at credit/merit or distinction level in a compatible course will normally be considered for entry to year three of these four year courses.
Students transferring to the University of Limerick normally follow the regular course of studies with existing classes. Exceptions include a specially designed transition course which is provided for students transferring into third year of engineering and science degrees. Students follow this course for one semester and then proceed through the regular course with existing third year students.
External transfers (after Year 1) applications for our full time courses will be considered from students who have completed at least year 1 of a compatible course (NFQ Level 8 Major Award – Honours Bachelor Degree) in another HEI College.
External student transfers from another HEI College into Year 2 or later years of a UL or MIC course will be considered subject to the following conditions:
- Places must be available in the year in question of the new course of study.
- Students must meet the course entry subject requirements (from Leaving Certificate or equivalent subjects from their third-level programme) or the requirements of entry through an equivalent pathway (e.g. Mature Student or QQI FET Level 5 Award).
- Students who do not have an award from another HEI must have achieved the minimum CAO cut-off points on the year they entered the HEI (including random selection and any HEAR and DARE points reduction, where applicable) or must have met the requirements of entry through an equivalent pathway on the year they entered the HEI. (Students who do not have the CAO points but have completed 60 credits and attained an average of at least 50% (honours 2.2 level) with no deficient grades in equivalent modules in their current programme of study meet this eligibility requirement.)
- Students must have completed substantially equivalent learning in terms of learning outcomes to progress into at least Year 2 of the alternative course.
- Students who do not meet the equivalent learning outcomes requirement may be considered for a conditional offer into the alternative course subject to satisfactory performance in a number of link-in modules.
- A student's entry into the alternative course will be deferred until they have satisfactorily completed the specified link-in modules. - Where the number of applicants exceeds the number of places available, applicants will be ranked primarily on the level of their academic qualification(s) and academic performance. Students who do not have an award from another HEI may be considered on the basis of CAO points or equivalent pathway entry requirements.
The transfer route in to UL's courses depend on the number of places available, the content overlap of the courses and competition for places in the year you apply.
Applicants must submit:
- Online application form (links available below) with all relevant sections fully completed.
- An official copy of your Leaving Certificate results
- A full transcript from your current Higher Education Institute
- List the details of your current/past 3rd level studies (completed or incomplete) in the Application form.
- Copy of Passport.
- Personal Statement outlining your reason for requesting a transfer.
Please see Instructions for Applying Directly to UL (under Prospective students).
Additional requirements for midwifery and nursing applicants:
In addition to the above requirements, applicants must also submit the following by 12 July 2024, when applying for a transfer to any of the midwifery and nursing courses:
- Outline of course curriculum (all module codes and module descriptors of all theoretical and clinical placement modules for each year of the course completed)
- Official evidence and breakdown of clinical placements areas, hours, weeks completed
- Official evidence of clinical placement competencies achieved from your allocations office.
Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (AHSS)
- Arts
- Social Science
- Journalism & Digital Communication Year 2 Only
- European Studies
- Applied Languages
- Irish Music
- Irish Dance
- Contemporary Dance
- Voice
- World Music
Kemmy Business School
- Business Studies
- Business & French
- Business & German
- Business & Spanish
- Business & Japanese
- Law & Accounting
- International Business
Health Sciences
- General Nursing
- Nursing (Mental Health)
- Nursing (Intellectual Disability)
- Midwifery
- Occupational Therapy
Science & Engineering
- Economics & Mathematics
- Computer Systems
- Financial Mathematics
- Mathematical Sciences
- Pharmaceutical & Industrial Chemistry
- Technology Management (if places available)
- Industrial Biochemistry
- Applied Physics
- Environmental Science
- Food Science & Health
- Product Design & Technology
- Cybersecurity & IT Forensics
- Civil Engineering (if places available)
- Mathematics & Physics
- Equine Science
- Architecture
- Computer Games Development
- Interaction Design
- Music, Media & Performance Technology
- Chemical & Biochemical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering(if places available)
- Design & Manufacture (if places available)
- Electronic & Computer Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Aeronautical Engineering (if places available)
Contact Academic Registry
Main Building, E0-001
University of Limerick
The information provided here is as a guide only, and may be updated from time to time. You are advised to consult official documentation, including the University of Limerick Academic Regulations, as the authoritative version
Data Protection: We will process your Personal Data in accordance with our Student Privacy Notice.