Accrediting Evidence-informed Practise

In 2024 a subgroup of the Youth Diversion Project Advisory Committee (YDPAC) came together to develop a framework for accrediting evidence-informed practise in the field of youth justice. The new accreditation process will operate from January 2025.

Submissions for accreditation must focus on a strand of work, a specific initiative, an intervention, or a specific programme, rather than the whole work of your project or agency. 

It must describe the processes and methods of engagement with young people and the impact of the intervention in terms of gains, benefits, and learning and development outcomes. Of interest is the ability to customise the work to meet the specific needs of young people in each context, as well how it brought about positive outcomes for the young people involved. 

The accreditation process, and all supporting materials, are fully explained in this Guidance Document. 


Following the assessment of written submissions, a Presentation Panel will take place in July 2025There will be an online briefing session on: 26th February 2025. Please contact the Accreditation Group Administrator, if you would like to attend this session. For all other information please email John Bamber, Chair of the Accreditation Group.  

Submit your application now