The Centre for Crime, Justice and Victim Studies has established itself as a centre of excellence in the area of policing studies.
In addition to conducting award-winning research at the frontier of policing vulnerable communities both in Ireland and internationally, academics affiliated with the Centre hold prestigious positions in delivering and overseeing a series of high-profile policing programmes.
Notably, as Director of Policing Studies at University of Limerick, Dr Alan Cusack is course director for: (i) Master of Arts in Serious Crime Investigation; (ii) Graduate Certificate in Serious Crime Investigation; (iii) Graduate Diploma in Intelligence Management; (iv) Professional Diploma in Intermediary Studies; (v) Certificate in Policing and Human Rights Law in Ireland; and (vi) Certificate in Policing and Protective Services Investigations in Ireland.
All CCJVS School of Law faculty also serve on the Quality Assurance Board for the Garda Training programme, as well as contributing to training and education for An Garda Siochana across a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes within UL and the Garda Training college in Templemore.
A sample of the ground-breaking, practice-orientated research conducted by CCJVS members in this area includes:
- Cusack, A. (2020). Review of An Garda Síochána Custody Record – Risk Assessment Form C.84(a) (University of Limerick) 1-23
- Cusack, A. et al. (2021) Disability Awareness Training Pilot for BA in Applied Policing and MA in Serious Crime Investigation (University of Limerick)
- Cusack, A. et al. (2022) Introducing an Easy-Read Notice of Rights – Form C.72(s) for Persons in Garda Custody(University of Limerick)
- Andrew Lacey, Alan Cusack, Bláithín O’Shea (2022) Report on a Roundtable Symposium with International Collaborators to Explore the Feasibility of Implementing a Community Safety Co-response Model in Ireland (Dublin: Policing Authority)
Findings from these research projects have, not only translated in significant operational improvements in Irish policing, but they have also been widely published in international journals including: Policing: An International Journal, The International Journal of Evidence and Proof, The International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, The Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly and The Irish Judicial Studies Journal.
Key CCJVS Researchers in this area:
- Dr Alan Cusack
- Professor Shane Kilcommins
- Professor Gautam Gulati
- Dr Johnny Connolly
- Dr Andrea Ryan
- Dr Eimear Spain
- Dr Ger Coffey
- Dr Susan Leahy
- Dr Andrew Lacey
- Professor Jennifer Schweppe