The Programme is designed and delivered by the Research Evidence into Policy, Programmes, and Practice (REPPP) project. The Limerick programme took place over three overnight blocks between September 2019 and January 2020.
Tackling complex problems
The Programme is for people with responsibility for addressing complex problems. While the causes of such problems are structural and rooted in poverty, inequality and deprivation, they also involve difficulties or limitations with services or facilities, and feature people whose behaviour causes difficulties to themselves and others.
A deliberative space
The fundamental purpose of the Programme is to provide a safe, deliberative space in which to consider complex problems. The residential aspect is included to optimise this thinking space by providing a break from the normal working environment. Initially participants collectively identify commonalities in relation to a given complex problem.
They then form small task groups to select and fully examine the nature, characteristics and challenges of the problem in terms of how it began, its direct and indirect effects, and how it sustains itself. Complex problems require thorough understanding, which means that the process involves generating fresh questions and insights, and not rushing to come up with answers.
The Limerick Programme – collaboration with CYPSC
The Limerick Programme brought together 26 people from the community, voluntary and statutory sector throughout Limerick City and County. Programme participants were a mix of frontline and management level, across the spectrum of statutory and voluntary agencies from Limerick city and county.
The programme involved a collaboration between the REPPP team based in the UL School of Law and the Limerick Children and Young People’s Services Committee (CYPSC). CYPSC’s are a key structure identified by Government to plan and co-ordinate services for children and young people in every county in Ireland.
Addressing ‘wicked problems’
The programme objectives involved participants identifying and analysing specific problems they are encountering in their work in Limerick. As participants develop their problem analysis, short inputs introduce the latest social scientific thinking relevant to the focus of discussions.
Following rigorous problem analysis, participants then co-design proposals for new strategies and practices for more effective, more collaborative and more integrated service interventions. Systematic use is also made of peer review during the programme to ‘stress test’ emerging ideas, and any proposals for ensuing action.