Dr Ger Coffey, UL School of Law, has been invited by a European consortium to participate as national legal expert for Ireland to carry out research and to report on findings in Ireland in relation to the funded research project entitled “Exploratory study on possible lisbonisation of ex-third pillar acquis in the area of mutual recognition in criminal matters”, under the assignment of the European Commission, Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers (DG JUST).
The research project will involve the completion of a transposition/implementation table, crosschecking Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) jurisprudence with national legislation, and provision of relevant statistics and jurisprudence emanating from the Irish superior Courts on the seven interrelated Framework Decisions (European Arrest Warrant ('EAW'), Financial Penalties, Previous Convictions, Transfer of Prisoners, Probation and Alternative Sanctions, European Supervision Order (‘ESO’), and Conflicts of Jurisdiction).
The Final Report is expected to be submitted to the European Commission in Summer 2025. We in the CCJVS are very proud of this commendation, and its contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, especially Goal 16, Peace Justice and Strong Institutions. Comhghairdeachas Ger!