What does Leganto do?

This application is a next-generation reading list management tool. It enables academics to:

  • easily collect citations
  • create and manage reading lists
  • automate workflow with the library
  • create a holistic user experience for students

Why would I use Leganto?

  • You can assemble materials of all types; physical & e-books, online or digitised book chapters, scholarly articles, videos, images, electronic resources and any other type of material, to create a flexible and interactive reading list. 
  • It’s easy to use, and easy to share, and easy to maintain. 
  • You can use Leganto’s usage analytics and reports to provide you with an overview of the materials students use and their usage patterns. 
  • You can curate, structure and annotate a list of recommended readings for each module on the course.  
  • Your students: 
    • can link directly to University-subscribed and owned material in the library's collections 
    • have fair and equal access to reading material both on campus and studying remotely 
    • will find academic referencing easier  
    • students can share feedback and suggest items to instructors through the interactive interface 

Faculty are invited to build your own reading lists, update existing ones or contact the library to have us build your module reading list on your behalf.  


How do I use Leganto?

The Library have a helpful guide that takes you through the four steps to build a Leganto reading list and add it to your module.


Where do I get help?

Use the navigation tabs to access at the top of the page to access other support information, or email libinfo@ul.ie if you experience any issues. 


Consult the Reading List Libguide for more information on Leganto.