The following is a list of URL strings that are dynamic and work around the replace string aspect associated with Brightspace. Unfortunately the replace string aspect only stays dynamic in widget code on the course homepage. The second you paste these URLs into a html document within a course say – they replace the variable eg {OrgUnitID} with the value ie 6074.

This means that it will work for that course only going forward – although further testing does need to be carried out to course copy content from one year to the next to see how this fully operates.

Where these URLs could be useful is follows:
Say that you have a course html template file called discussions.html. In this file you can have prefilled in fields and information, sample text and images etc that the academic can deploy to their course with just a few clicks. The academic can then edit the document to suit their needs – add a description, learning objectives, tasks that need to be completed, due date etc. They can also add a dynamic URL from the list below and associated that link then with a word eg Discussion or an image – that is pre placed in the HTML document. This will link to the top level list of discussions for the course.

This information really has the potential to shine in the custom widgets on the course homepage – as they will stay dynamic here and work between modules year on year. Note that you require the correct roles and permissions to be configured in order to access certain links below.

Note: The below text are not hyperlinks. If you click on them they will not lead to a page.