Bulk Enrol Existing Users - Step by step guide.
- To bulk enrol existing users to your module, go to the Brightspace page on TopDesk and select the option called Brightspace: Bulk Enrol Existing Users.
- Click the link to the Power App: VLE Enrolment Request app. The Power App will open on a new window –

- Enter the user details line by line, alternatively paste the users email from your Excel document and click the Validate Data button. . When validated it will confirm that account exists and will also highlight any errors. Any errors listed must be corrected before proceeding.

- Once validated the users VLE Identifier and Display Name will populate.
- Enter the name of the site into the text field and the sites available will automatically display. Please note: The box will populate with only the sites that you have access to from the current semester. This list is updated nightly from the VLE.
- One or many sites may appear, click the arrow to make your selection and it will move to the Selected Sites box. Note: If this section is left blank the created account will only be enrolled at the top level of Brightspace and not be enrolled on any sites.

- Choose the Role you wish to assign to the user in Brightspace.
Note: Select “Learner-Manually added” to add a student(s) to the site and “Instructor-Manually Added” to add an instructor. Other role options include External Examiner and Read Only. Please note: You can only add one instructor at time.

- Once you are sure of your entered details, click the Submit Request button and request logged will display.
- Users will be enrolled on your module within 2 hours (during normal working hours, Monday to Friday).