This article contains two sections:

A. Steps on how to complete this task

B. A video that demonstrates how to complete this task (3:32)



To create a discussion topic, complete the following steps:

1. On the navbar, locate and click Discussions.

2. On the Discussions List page, click New 

3. From the drop down that appears, click New Topic.

4. From the drop-down list, select the forum you want to put your topic in. If you want to create a new forum for your topic, click New Forum.

5. To grant everyone access to the topic and restrict learners to only see threads from their own group or section, under Topic Type, select Group or section topic.
Note: You cannot edit the topic type once you save the topic.

6. Enter your New Topic Details.

7. On the Restrictions tab, select Availability options for your topic.

Note: While you can't "lock" a discussion, but you can add an end date so that it is visible but restricted or you can restrict a topic to a group

8. Click Save and Close.


The Topic has now been created.



This video demonstrates how to create a discussion topic.